Articles | Volume 23, issue 14
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© Author(s) 2023. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Antarctic atmosphere over time (1980 to 2021) and estimation of their atmospheric half-lives
Thais Luarte
Programa de Doctorado en Medicina de la Conservación, Facultad
Ciencias de La Vida, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, 8370251, Chile
GEMA, Center for Genomics, Ecology & Environment, Universidad
Mayor, Camino La Pirámide, 5750 Huechuraba, Santiago, 8580745, Chile
Anillo en Ciencia y Tecnología Antártica POLARIX, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Victoria A. Gómez-Aburto
GEMA, Center for Genomics, Ecology & Environment, Universidad
Mayor, Camino La Pirámide, 5750 Huechuraba, Santiago, 8580745, Chile
Anillo en Ciencia y Tecnología Antártica POLARIX, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Ignacio Poblete-Castro
Biosystems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Chemical and
Bioprocess Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), 9170022, Santiago,
Eduardo Castro-Nallar
Anillo en Ciencia y Tecnología Antártica POLARIX, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Departamento de Microbiología, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Talca, Campus Talca, Av. Lircay s/n, Talca, 3460000, Chile
Centro de Ecología Integrativa, Universidad de Talca, Campus
Talca, Av. Lircay s/n, Talca, 3460000, Chile
Nicolas Huneeus
Anillo en Ciencia y Tecnología Antártica POLARIX, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR), Santiago,
8370415, Chile
Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical
Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, 8370456, Chile
Marco Molina-Montenegro
Anillo en Ciencia y Tecnología Antártica POLARIX, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Univ. Católica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo,
Claudia Egas
Centro de Ecología Integrativa, Universidad de Talca, Campus
Talca, Av. Lircay s/n, Talca, 3460000, Chile
Germán Azcune
Departamento de Desarrollo Tecnológico – DDT, Centro
Universitario Regional del Este (CURE), Universidad de la República,
Ruta 9 y Ruta 15, Rocha, 27000, Uruguay
Andrés Pérez-Parada
Departamento de Desarrollo Tecnológico – DDT, Centro
Universitario Regional del Este (CURE), Universidad de la República,
Ruta 9 y Ruta 15, Rocha, 27000, Uruguay
Rainier Lohmann
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island,
Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882, USA
Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto
NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research, P.O. Box 100, Kjeller, 2027, Norway
Jordi Dachs
Department of Environmental Chemistry, IDAEA-CSIC, c/Jordi Girona
18-26, Barcelona, Catalonia, 08034, Spain
Susan Bengtson-Nash
Southern Ocean Persistent Organic Pollutants Program, Centre for
Planetary Health and Food Security, School of Environment and Science,
Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, 4111, Australia
Gustavo Chiang
Center for Sustainable Research & Department of Ecology and
Biodiversity, Faculty of Life Sciences, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago,
8370251, Chile
Karla Pozo
Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Universidad San
Sebastián, Lientur 1457, Concepción, Chile
RECETOX, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, Brno, Czech Republic
Cristóbal J. Galbán-Malagón
GEMA, Center for Genomics, Ecology & Environment, Universidad
Mayor, Camino La Pirámide, 5750 Huechuraba, Santiago, 8580745, Chile
Anillo en Ciencia y Tecnología Antártica POLARIX, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Institute of Environment, Florida International University,
University Park, Miami, Florida 33199, USA
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Jorge E. Pachón, Mariel A. Opazo, Pablo Lichtig, Nicolas Huneeus, Idir Bouarar, Guy Brasseur, Cathy W. Y. Li, Johannes Flemming, Laurent Menut, Camilo Menares, Laura Gallardo, Michael Gauss, Mikhail Sofiev, Rostislav Kouznetsov, Julia Palamarchuk, Andreas Uppstu, Laura Dawidowski, Nestor Y. Rojas, María de Fátima Andrade, Mario E. Gavidia-Calderón, Alejandro H. Delgado Peralta, and Daniel Schuch
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 7467–7512,,, 2024
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Latin America (LAC) has some of the most populated urban areas in the world, with high levels of air pollution. Air quality management in LAC has been traditionally focused on surveillance and building emission inventories. This study performed the first intercomparison and model evaluation in LAC, with interesting and insightful findings for the region. A multiscale modeling ensemble chain was assembled as a first step towards an air quality forecasting system.
Ruben Urraca, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Nicolás Álamos, Lucas Berna-Peña, Monica Crippa, Sabine Darras, Stijn Dellaert, Hugo Denier van der Gon, Mark Dowell, Nadine Gobron, Claire Granier, Giacomo Grassi, Marc Guevara, Diego Guizzardi, Kevin Gurney, Nicolás Huneeus, Sekou Keita, Jeroen Kuenen, Ana Lopez-Noreña, Enrique Puliafito, Geoffrey Roest, Simone Rossi, Antonin Soulie, and Antoon Visschedijk
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 501–523,,, 2024
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CoCO2-MOSAIC 1.0 is a global mosaic of regional bottom-up inventories providing gridded (0.1×0.1) monthly emissions of anthropogenic CO2. Regional inventories include country-specific information and finer spatial resolution than global inventories. CoCO2-MOSAIC provides harmonized access to these datasets and can be considered as a regionally accepted reference to assess the quality of global inventories, as done in the current paper.
Rémy Lapere, Nicolás Huneeus, Sylvain Mailler, Laurent Menut, and Florian Couvidat
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 1749–1768,,, 2023
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Glaciers in the Andes of central Chile are shrinking rapidly in response to global warming. This melting is accelerated by the deposition of opaque particles onto snow and ice. In this work, model simulations quantify typical deposition rates of soot on glaciers in summer and winter months and show that the contribution of emissions from Santiago is not as high as anticipated. Additionally, the combination of regional- and local-scale meteorology explains the seasonality in deposition.
Mauricio Osses, Néstor Rojas, Cecilia Ibarra, Víctor Valdebenito, Ignacio Laengle, Nicolás Pantoja, Darío Osses, Kevin Basoa, Sebastián Tolvett, Nicolás Huneeus, Laura Gallardo, and Benjamín Gómez
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 1359–1376,,, 2022
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This paper presents a detailed estimate of on-road vehicle emissions for Chile, between 1990–2020, and an analysis of emission trends for greenhouse gases and local pollutants. Data are disaggregated by type of vehicle and region at 0.01° × 0.01°. While the vehicle fleet grew 5-fold, CO2 emissions increased at a lower rate and local pollutants decreased. These trends can be explained by changes in improved vehicle technologies, better fuel quality and enforcement of emission standards.
Stephen M. Platt, Øystein Hov, Torunn Berg, Knut Breivik, Sabine Eckhardt, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Nikolaos Evangeliou, Markus Fiebig, Rebecca Fisher, Georg Hansen, Hans-Christen Hansson, Jost Heintzenberg, Ove Hermansen, Dominic Heslin-Rees, Kim Holmén, Stephen Hudson, Roland Kallenborn, Radovan Krejci, Terje Krognes, Steinar Larssen, David Lowry, Cathrine Lund Myhre, Chris Lunder, Euan Nisbet, Pernilla B. Nizzetto, Ki-Tae Park, Christina A. Pedersen, Katrine Aspmo Pfaffhuber, Thomas Röckmann, Norbert Schmidbauer, Sverre Solberg, Andreas Stohl, Johan Ström, Tove Svendby, Peter Tunved, Kjersti Tørnkvist, Carina van der Veen, Stergios Vratolis, Young Jun Yoon, Karl Espen Yttri, Paul Zieger, Wenche Aas, and Kjetil Tørseth
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 3321–3369,,, 2022
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Here we detail the history of the Zeppelin Observatory, a unique global background site and one of only a few in the high Arctic. We present long-term time series of up to 30 years of atmospheric components and atmospheric transport phenomena. Many of these time series are important to our understanding of Arctic and global atmospheric composition change. Finally, we discuss the future of the Zeppelin Observatory and emerging areas of future research on the Arctic atmosphere.
Nicolás Álamos, Nicolás Huneeus, Mariel Opazo, Mauricio Osses, Sebastián Puja, Nicolás Pantoja, Hugo Denier van der Gon, Alejandra Schueftan, René Reyes, and Rubén Calvo
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 361–379,,, 2022
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This study presents the first high-resolution national inventory of anthropogenic emissions for Chile (Inventario Nacional de Emisiones Antropogénicas, INEMA). Emissions for vehicular, industrial, energy, mining and residential sectors are estimated for the period 2015–2017 and spatially distributed onto a high-resolution grid (1 × 1 km). This inventory will support policies seeking to mitigate climate change and improve air quality by providing qualified scientific spatial emission information.
Paula Castesana, Melisa Diaz Resquin, Nicolás Huneeus, Enrique Puliafito, Sabine Darras, Darío Gómez, Claire Granier, Mauricio Osses Alvarado, Néstor Rojas, and Laura Dawidowski
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 271–293,,, 2022
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This work presents the results of the first joint effort of South American and European researchers to generate regional maps of emissions. The PAPILA dataset is a collection of annual emission inventories of reactive gases (CO, NOx, NMVOCs, NH3, and SO2) from anthropogenic sources in the region for the period 2014–2016. This was developed on the basis of the CAMS-GLOB-ANT v4.1 dataset, enriching it with derived data from locally available emission inventories for Argentina, Chile, and Colombia.
Rémy Lapere, Laurent Menut, Sylvain Mailler, and Nicolás Huneeus
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 6431–6454,,, 2021
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Based on modeling, the transport dynamics of ozone and fine particles in central Chile are investigated. Santiago emissions are found to influence air quality along a 1000 km plume as far as Argentina and northern Chile. In turn, emissions outside the metropolis contribute significantly to its recorded particles concentration. Emissions of precursors from Santiago are found to lead to the formation of a persistent ozone bubble in altitude, a phenomenon which is described for the first time.
Laura Röhler, Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pawel Rostkowski, Roland Kallenborn, and Martin Schlabach
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 1697–1716,,, 2021
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A novel non-destructive, sulfuric-acid-free clean-up method for high-volume air samples was developed and evaluated with organic chemicals covering a wide range of polarities (logP 2–11). This method, providing quantitative results of comparable quality to traditional methods, was combined with newly developed data treatment strategies for simultaneous suspect and non-target screening. The application to air samples from southern Norway revealed 90 new potential chemicals of emerging concern.
Laura Röhler, Martin Schlabach, Peter Haglund, Knut Breivik, Roland Kallenborn, and Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 9031–9049,,, 2020
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A new clean-up method for the SUS and NTS of organic contaminants was applied to high-volume Arctic air samples. A large number of known and new potential organic chemicals of emerging Arctic concern were identified and prioritised with GC×GC-LRMS; 60 % of the identified contaminants (not yet detected in Arctic samples) do not meet currently accepted criteria for LRATP into polar environments. Without our empirical confirmation, they would not be considered potential Arctic contaminants.
Rémy Lapere, Laurent Menut, Sylvain Mailler, and Nicolás Huneeus
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4681–4694,,, 2020
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Based on measurements and modeling, this study shows that recent record-breaking peak events of fine particles in Santiago, Chile, can be traced back to massive barbecue cooking by its inhabitants during international soccer games. Decontamination plans in Santiago focus on decreasing emissions of pollutants from traffic, industry, and residential heating. This study implies that cultural habits such as barbecue cooking also need to be taken into account.
Angela Benedetti, Jeffrey S. Reid, Peter Knippertz, John H. Marsham, Francesca Di Giuseppe, Samuel Rémy, Sara Basart, Olivier Boucher, Ian M. Brooks, Laurent Menut, Lucia Mona, Paolo Laj, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Alfred Wiedensohler, Alexander Baklanov, Malcolm Brooks, Peter R. Colarco, Emilio Cuevas, Arlindo da Silva, Jeronimo Escribano, Johannes Flemming, Nicolas Huneeus, Oriol Jorba, Stelios Kazadzis, Stefan Kinne, Thomas Popp, Patricia K. Quinn, Thomas T. Sekiyama, Taichu Tanaka, and Enric Terradellas
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 10615–10643,,, 2018
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Numerical prediction of aerosol particle properties has become an important activity at many research and operational weather centers. This development is due to growing interest from a diverse set of stakeholders, such as air quality regulatory bodies, aviation authorities, solar energy plant managers, climate service providers, and health professionals. This paper describes the advances in the field and sets out requirements for observations for the sustainability of these activities.
Jerónimo Escribano, Olivier Boucher, Frédéric Chevallier, and Nicolás Huneeus
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 7111–7126,,, 2017
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Top-down estimates of mineral dust flux usually rely on a single observational dataset whose observational errors propagate onto the emission estimates. Aerosol optical depth from five satellites are assimilated one by one into a source inversion system over northern Africa. We find a relatively large dispersion in flux estimates among the five experiments, which can likely be attributed to differences in the assimilated observational datasets and their associated error statistics.
Marie Bigot, Mark A. J. Curran, Andrew D. Moy, Derek C. G. Muir, Darryl W. Hawker, Roger Cropp, Camilla F. Teixeira, and Susan M. Bengtson Nash
The Cryosphere, 10, 2533–2539,,, 2016
Qianjie Chen, Lei Geng, Johan A. Schmidt, Zhouqing Xie, Hui Kang, Jordi Dachs, Jihong Cole-Dai, Andrew J. Schauer, Madeline G. Camp, and Becky Alexander
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11433–11450,,, 2016
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The formation mechanisms of sulfate in the marine boundary layer are not well understood, which could result in large uncertainties in aerosol radiative forcing. We measure the oxygen isotopic composition (Δ17O) of sulfate collected in the MBL and analyze with a global transport model. Our results suggest that 33–50 % of MBL sulfate is formed via oxidation of S(IV) by hypohalous acids HOBr / HOCl in the aqueous phase, and the daily-mean HOBr/HOCl concentrations are on the order of 0.01–0.1 ppt.
Xiaoping Wang, Jiao Ren, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang, Yonggang Xue, Tandong Yao, and Rainer Lohmann
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 6901–6911,,, 2016
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Is there any linkage between climate interactions and spatial distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)? To answer this question, we conducted long-term passive air monitoring across the Tibetan Plateau. We found that there are three graphical zones over the Tibetan Plateau that could be classified as a function of POP fingerprints. This study highlights validity of using POP fingerprints as chemical tracers to track the interactions of climate systems.
N. Huneeus, S. Basart, S. Fiedler, J.-J. Morcrette, A. Benedetti, J. Mulcahy, E. Terradellas, C. Pérez García-Pando, G. Pejanovic, S. Nickovic, P. Arsenovic, M. Schulz, E. Cuevas, J. M. Baldasano, J. Pey, S. Remy, and B. Cvetkovic
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 4967–4986,,, 2016
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Five dust models are evaluated regarding their performance in predicting an intense Saharan dust outbreak affecting western and northern Europe (NE). Models predict the onset and evolution of the event for all analysed lead times. On average, differences among the models are larger than differences in lead times for each model. The models tend to underestimate the long-range transport towards NE. This is partly due to difficulties in simulating the vertical dust distribution and horizontal wind.
N. Berrojalbiz, J. Castro-Jiménez, G. Mariani, J. Wollgast, G. Hanke, and J. Dachs
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8947–8959,,, 2014
S. Ruiz-Halpern, M. Ll. Calleja, J. Dachs, S. Del Vento, M. Pastor, M. Palmer, S. Agustí, and C. M. Duarte
Biogeosciences, 11, 2755–2770,,, 2014
C. J. Galbán-Malagón, S. Del Vento, A. Cabrerizo, and J. Dachs
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 12029–12041,,, 2013
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 905–921,,, 2025
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Box modeling with the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) was used to explore summertime peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) formation and its link to aerosol pollution under high-ozone conditions. The MCM model is effective in the study of PAN photochemical formation and performed better during the clean period than the haze period. Machine learning analysis identified ammonia, nitrate, and fine particulate matter as the top three factors contributing to simulation bias.
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 625–638,,, 2025
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This study examines BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) pollution in urban areas across seven European countries. Analyzing data from 22 monitoring sites, we found traffic and industrial activities significantly impact BTEX levels, with peaks during rush hours. The risk from BTEX exposure remains moderate, especially in high-traffic and industrial zones, highlighting the need for targeted air quality management to protect public health and improve urban air quality.
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 459–472,,, 2025
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Organophosphate esters are important humanmade trace contaminants. Measuring them in the atmospheric gas phase, particles, precipitation, and surface water in Canada, we explore seasonal concentration variability, gas–particle partitioning, precipitation scavenging, and the air–water equilibrium. Whereas higher summer concentrations and efficient precipitation scavenging conform with expectations, the lack of a relationship between compound volatility and gas–particle partitioning is puzzling.
Fanhao Meng, Baobin Han, Min Qin, Wu Fang, Ke Tang, Dou Shao, Zhitang Liao, Jun Duan, Yan Feng, Yong Huang, Ting Ni, and Pinhua Xie
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 14191–14208,,, 2024
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Comprehensive observations of HONO and NOx fluxes were conducted over paddy fields in the Huaihe River Basin. Consecutive peaks in HONO and NO fluxes suggest a potentially enhanced release of HONO and NO due to soil tillage, whereas waterlogged soil may inhibit microbial nitrification processes following irrigation. Notably, biological processes and light-driven NO2 reactions at the surface may serve as sources of HONO and influence the local HONO budget during rotary tillage.
Zhaojin An, Rujing Yin, Xinyan Zhao, Xiaoxiao Li, Yuyang Li, Yi Yuan, Junchen Guo, Yiqi Zhao, Xue Li, Dandan Li, Yaowei Li, Dongbin Wang, Chao Yan, Kebin He, Douglas R. Worsnop, Frank N. Keutsch, and Jingkun Jiang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13793–13810,,, 2024
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Online Vocus-PTR measurements show the compositions and seasonal variations in organic vapors in urban Beijing. With enhanced sensitivity and mass resolution, various species at a level of sub-parts per trillion (ppt) and organics with multiple oxygens (≥ 3) were observed. The fast photooxidation process in summer leads to an increase in both concentration and proportion of organics with multiple oxygens, while, in other seasons, the variations in them could be influenced by mixed sources.
Bowen Zhang, Dong Zhang, Zhe Dong, Xinshuai Song, Ruiqin Zhang, and Xiao Li
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13587–13601,,, 2024
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To gain insight into the impact of changes due to epidemic control policies, we undertook continuous online monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at an urban site in Zhengzhou over a 2-month period. This study examines the characteristics of VOCs, their sources, and their temporal evolution. It also assesses the impact of the policy change on VOC pollution during the monitoring period, thus providing a basis for further research on VOC pollution and source control.
Jakob Boyd Pernov, Jens Liengaard Hjorth, Lise Lotte Sørensen, and Henrik Skov
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13603–13631,,, 2024
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Arctic ozone depletion events (ODEs) occur every spring and have vast implications for the oxidizing capacity, radiative balance, and mercury oxidation. In this study, we analyze ozone, ODEs, and their connection to meteorological and air mass history variables through statistical analyses, back trajectories, and machine learning (ML) at Villum Research Station. ODEs are favorable under sunny, calm conditions with air masses arriving from northerly wind directions with sea ice contact.
Hagninou Elagnon Venance Donnou, Aristide Barthélémy Akpo, Money Ossohou, Claire Delon, Véronique Yoboué, Dungall Laouali, Marie Ouafo-Leumbe, Pieter Gideon Van Zyl, Ousmane Ndiaye, Eric Gardrat, Maria Dias-Alves, and Corinne Galy-Lacaux
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13151–13182,,, 2024
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Ozone is a secondary air pollutant that is detrimental to human and plant health. A better understanding of its chemical evolution is a challenge for Africa, where it is still undersampled. Out of 14 sites examined (1995–2020), high levels of O3 are reported in southern Africa. The dominant chemical processes leading to O3 formation are identified. A decrease in O3 is observed at Katibougou (Mali) and Banizoumbou (Niger), and an increase is found at Zoétélé (Cameroon) and Skukuza (South Africa).
Junwei Song, Georgios I. Gkatzelis, Ralf Tillmann, Nicolas Brüggemann, Thomas Leisner, and Harald Saathoff
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13199–13217,,, 2024
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Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and organic aerosol (OA) particles were measured online in a stressed spruce-dominated forest. OA was mainly attributed to the monoterpene oxidation products. The mixing ratios of BVOCs were higher than the values previously measured in other temperate forests. The results demonstrate that BVOCs are influenced not only by meteorology and biogenic emissions but also by local anthropogenic emissions and subsequent chemical transformation processes.
Sachin Mishra, Vinayak Sinha, Haseeb Hakkim, Arpit Awasthi, Sachin D. Ghude, Vijay Kumar Soni, Narendra Nigam, Baerbel Sinha, and Madhavan N. Rajeevan
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13129–13150,,, 2024
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We quantified 111 gases using mass spectrometry to understand how seasonal and emission changes lead from clean air in the monsoon season to extremely polluted air in the post-monsoon season in Delhi. Averaged total mass concentrations (260 µg m-3) were > 4 times in polluted periods, driven by biomass burning emissions and reduced atmospheric ventilation. Reactive gaseous nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur compounds hitherto unreported from such a polluted environment were discovered.
Gérard Ancellet, Camille Viatte, Anne Boynard, François Ravetta, Jacques Pelon, Cristelle Cailteau-Fischbach, Pascal Genau, Julie Capo, Axel Roy, and Philippe Nédélec
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12963–12983,,, 2024
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Characterization of ozone pollution in urban areas benefited from a measurement campaign in summer 2022 in the Paris region. The analysis is based on 21 d of lidar and aircraft observations. The main objective is an analysis of the sensitivity of ozone pollution to the micrometeorological processes in the urban atmospheric boundary layer and the transport of regional pollution. The paper also discusses to what extent satellite observations can track observed ozone plumes.
Xiaoyi Zhang, Wanyun Xu, Weili Lin, Gen Zhang, Jinjian Geng, Li Zhou, Huarong Zhao, Sanxue Ren, Guangsheng Zhou, Jianmin Chen, and Xiaobin Xu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12323–12340,,, 2024
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Ozone (O3) deposition is a key process that removes surface O3, affecting air quality, ecosystems and climate change. We conducted O3 deposition measurement over a wheat canopy using a newly relaxed eddy accumulation flux system. Large variabilities in O3 deposition were detected, mainly determined by crop growth and modulated by various environmental factors. More O3 deposition observations over different surfaces are needed for exploring deposition mechanisms and model optimization.
Shuwen Guo, Xuan Zheng, Xiao He, Lewei Zeng, Liqiang He, Xian Wu, Yifei Dai, Zihao Huang, Ting Chen, Shupei Xiao, Yan You, Sheng Xiang, Shaojun Zhang, Jingkun Jiang, and Ye Wu
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We considered two potential influencing factors of heavy-duty diesel vehicle emissions that are rarely mentioned in the literature: cumulative mileage and ambient temperatures. The results suggest that the prolong use of the heavy-duty diesel vehicles and low ambient temperatures lead to reduced engine combustion efficiency, which in turn increases tailpipe emissions significantly.
Chunmeng Li, Xiaorui Chen, Haichao Wang, Tianyu Zhai, Xuefei Ma, Xinping Yang, Shiyi Chen, Min Zhou, Shengrong Lou, Xin Li, Limin Zeng, and Keding Lu
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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This study reports an observation of organic nitrate (including total peroxy nitrates and total alkyl nitrates) in Shanghai, China during the summer of 2021, by a homemade thermal dissociation cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer (TD-CEAS, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4033–4051, 2021). The distribution of organic nitrates and their effects on local ozone production are analyzed based on the field observation in conjunction with model simulation.
Honglei Wang, David W. Tarasick, Jane Liu, Herman G. J. Smit, Roeland Van Malderen, Lijuan Shen, Romain Blot, and Tianliang Zhao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11927–11942,,, 2024
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In this study, we identify 23 suitable pairs of sites from World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) and In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) datasets (1995 to 2021), compare the average vertical distributions of tropospheric O3 from ozonesonde and aircraft measurements, and analyze the differences based on ozonesonde type and station–airport distance.
Noémie Taquet, Wolfgang Stremme, María Eugenia González del Castillo, Victor Almanza, Alejandro Bezanilla, Olivier Laurent, Carlos Alberti, Frank Hase, Michel Ramonet, Thomas Lauvaux, Ke Che, and Michel Grutter
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11823–11848,,, 2024
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We characterize the variability in CO and CO2 emissions over Mexico City from long-term time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy solar absorption and surface measurements from 2013 to 2021. Using the average intraday CO growth rate from total columns, the average CO / CO2 ratio and TROPOMI data, we estimate the interannual variability in the CO and CO2 anthropogenic emissions of Mexico City, highlighting the effect of an unprecedented drop in activity due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
Akima Ringsdorf, Achim Edtbauer, Bruna Holanda, Christopher Poehlker, Marta O. Sá, Alessandro Araújo, Jürgen Kesselmeier, Jos Lelieveld, and Jonathan Williams
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11883–11910,,, 2024
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We show the average height distribution of separately observed aldehydes and ketones over a day and discuss their rainforest-specific sources and sinks as well as their seasonal changes above the Amazon. Ketones have much longer atmospheric lifetimes than aldehydes and thus different implications for atmospheric chemistry. However, they are commonly observed together, which we overcome by measuring with a NO+ chemical ionization mass spectrometer for the first time in the Amazon rainforest.
Theresa Harlass, Rebecca Dischl, Stefan Kaufmann, Raphael Märkl, Daniel Sauer, Monika Scheibe, Paul Stock, Tiziana Bräuer, Andreas Dörnbrack, Anke Roiger, Hans Schlager, Ulrich Schumann, Magdalena Pühl, Tobias Schripp, Tobias Grein, Linda Bondorf, Charles Renard, Maxime Gauthier, Mark Johnson, Darren Luff, Paul Madden, Peter Swann, Denise Ahrens, Reetu Sallinen, and Christiane Voigt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11807–11822,,, 2024
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Emissions from aircraft have a direct impact on our climate. Here, we present airborne and ground-based measurement data of nitrogen oxides that were collected in the exhaust of an Airbus aircraft. We study the impact of burning fossil and sustainable aviation fuel on nitrogen oxide emissions at different engine settings related to combustor temperature, pressure and fuel flow. Further, we compare observations with engine emission models.
Xiao-Bing Li, Bin Yuan, Yibo Huangfu, Suxia Yang, Xin Song, Jipeng Qi, Xianjun He, Sihang Wang, Yubin Chen, Qing Yang, Yongxin Song, Yuwen Peng, Guiqian Tang, Jian Gao, and Min Shao
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Online vertical gradient measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ozone, and NOx were made based on a 325 m tower in urban Beijing. Vertical changes in concentrations, compositions, key drivers, and environmental impacts of VOCs were analyzed in this study. We find that VOC species display differentiated vertical variation patterns and distinct roles in contributing to photochemical ozone formation with increasing height in the urban planetary boundary layer.
Mingxue Li, Men Xia, Chunshui Lin, Yifan Jiang, Weihang Sun, Yurun Wang, Yingnan Zhang, Maoxia He, and Tao Wang
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Our field campaigns observed a strong diel pattern of chloroacetic acid as well as a strong correlation between its level and those of reactive chlorine species at a coastal site. Using quantum chemical calculations and box model simulation with updated MCM, we found that the formation pathway of chloroacetic acid involved multiphase processes. Our study deepens the understanding of atmospheric VOC-Cl chemistry and highlights the crucial role of multiphase reactions in atmospheric chemistry.
Xudong Zheng and Shaodong Xie
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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To reduce uncertainties in identifying key volatile organic compounds (VOCs) affecting ozone (O3) formation, this study focused on identifying key species based on initial VOC concentrations. Using reaction rates and observed VOCs concentrations, we calculated initial VOCs concentrations during the day and the night. Initial concentrations of alkenes and aromatics were higher than observed ones. Conversely, initial oxygenated VOC concentrations were lower than observed concentrations.
Simone T. Andersen, Max R. McGillen, Chaoyang Xue, Tobias Seubert, Patrick Dewald, Gunther N. T. E. Türk, Jan Schuladen, Cyrielle Denjean, Jean-Claude Etienne, Olivier Garrouste, Marina Jamar, Sergio Harb, Manuela Cirtog, Vincent Michoud, Mathieu Cazaunau, Antonin Bergé, Christopher Cantrell, Sebastien Dusanter, Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault, Alexandre Kukui, Abdelwahid Mellouki, Lucy J. Carpenter, Jos Lelieveld, and John N. Crowley
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11603–11618,,, 2024
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Using measurements of various trace gases in a suburban forest near Paris in the summer of 2022, we were able to gain insight into the sources and sinks of NOx (NO+NO2) with a special focus on their nighttime chemical and physical loss processes. NO was observed as a result of nighttime soil emissions when O3 levels were strongly depleted by deposition. NO oxidation products were not observed at night, indicating that soil and/or foliar surfaces are an efficient sink of reactive N.
Lee Tiszenkel, James H. Flynn, and Shan-Hu Lee
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11351–11363,,, 2024
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Ammonia and amines are important ingredients for aerosol formation in urban environments, but the measurements of these compounds are extremely challenging. Our observations show that urban ammonia and amines in Houston are emitted from urban sources, and diurnal variations in their concentrations are likely governed by gas-to-particle conversion and emissions.
Arpit Awasthi, Baerbel Sinha, Haseeb Hakkim, Sachin Mishra, Varkrishna Mummidivarapu, Gurmanjot Singh, Sachin D. Ghude, Vijay Kumar Soni, Narendra Nigam, Vinayak Sinha, and Madhavan N. Rajeevan
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10279–10304,,, 2024
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We use 111 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PM10, and PM2.5 in a positive matrix factorization (PMF) model to resolve 11 pollution sources validated with chemical fingerprints. Crop residue burning and heating account for ~ 50 % of the PM, while traffic and industrial emissions dominate the gas-phase VOC burden and formation potential of secondary organic aerosols (> 60 %). Non-tailpipe emissions from compressed-natural-gas-fuelled commercial vehicles dominate the transport sector's PM burden.
Luke D. Schiferl, Cong Cao, Bronte Dalton, Andrew Hallward-Driemeier, Ricardo Toledo-Crow, and Róisín Commane
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10129–10142,,, 2024
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Carbon monoxide (CO) is an air pollutant and an important indicator of the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in cities. Using 4 years of winter and spring observations in New York City, we found that both the magnitude and variability of CO from the metropolitan area are greater than expected. Transportation emissions cannot explain the missing and variable CO, which points to energy from buildings as a likely underappreciated source of urban air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Chengzhi Xing, Cheng Liu, Chunxiang Ye, Jingkai Xue, Hongyu Wu, Xiangguang Ji, Jinping Ou, and Qihou Hu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10093–10112,,, 2024
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We identified the contributions of ozone (O3) and nitrous acid (HONO) to the production rates of hydroxide (OH) in vertical space on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). A new insight was offered: the contributions of HONO and O3 to the production rates of OH on the TP are even greater than in lower-altitudes areas. This study enriches the understanding of vertical distribution of atmospheric components and explains the strong atmospheric oxidation capacity (AOC) on the TP.
Xinyuan Zhang, Lingling Wang, Nan Wang, Shuangliang Ma, Shenbo Wang, Ruiqin Zhang, Dong Zhang, Mingkai Wang, and Hongyu Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9885–9898,,, 2024
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This study highlights the importance of the redox reaction of NO2 with SO2 based on actual atmospheric observations. The particle pH in future China is expected to rise steadily. Consequently, this reaction could become a significant source of HONO in China. Therefore, it is crucial to coordinate the control of SO2, NOx, and NH3 emissions to avoid a rapid increase in the particle pH.
Jun Zhou, Chunsheng Zhang, Aiming Liu, Bin Yuan, Yan Wang, Wenjie Wang, Jie-Ping Zhou, Yixin Hao, Xiao-Bing Li, Xianjun He, Xin Song, Yubin Chen, Suxia Yang, Shuchun Yang, Yanfeng Wu, Bin Jiang, Shan Huang, Junwen Liu, Yuwen Peng, Jipeng Qi, Minhui Deng, Bowen Zhong, Yibo Huangfu, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9805–9826,,, 2024
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In-depth understanding of the near-ground vertical variability in photochemical ozone (O3) formation is crucial for mitigating O3 pollution. Utilizing a self-built vertical observation system, a direct net photochemical O3 production rate detection system, and an observation-based model, we diagnosed the vertical distributions and formation mechanism of net photochemical O3 production rates and sensitivity in the Pearl River Delta region, one of the most O3-polluted areas in China.
Eleanor J. Derry, Tyler R. Elgiar, Taylor Y. Wilmot, Nicholas W. Hoch, Noah S. Hirshorn, Peter Weiss-Penzias, Christopher F. Lee, John C. Lin, A. Gannet Hallar, Rainer Volkamer, Seth N. Lyman, and Lynne E. Gratz
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9615–9643,,, 2024
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Mercury (Hg) is a globally distributed neurotoxic pollutant. Atmospheric deposition is the main source of Hg in ecosystems. However, measurement biases hinder understanding of the origins and abundance of the more bioavailable oxidized form. We used an improved, calibrated measurement system to study air mass composition and transport of atmospheric Hg at a remote mountaintop site in the central US. Oxidized Hg originated upwind in the low to middle free troposphere under clean, dry conditions.
Benjamin A. Nault, Katherine R. Travis, James H. Crawford, Donald R. Blake, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Ronald C. Cohen, Joshua P. DiGangi, Glenn S. Diskin, Samuel R. Hall, L. Gregory Huey, Jose L. Jimenez, Kyung-Eun Min, Young Ro Lee, Isobel J. Simpson, Kirk Ullmann, and Armin Wisthaler
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9573–9595,,, 2024
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Ozone (O3) is a pollutant formed from the reactions of gases emitted from various sources. In urban areas, the density of human activities can increase the O3 formation rate (P(O3)), thus impacting air quality and health. Observations collected over Seoul, South Korea, are used to constrain P(O3). A high local P(O3) was found; however, local P(O3) was partly reduced due to compounds typically ignored. These observations also provide constraints for unmeasured compounds that will impact P(O3).
Fan Zhang, Binyu Xiao, Zeyu Liu, Yan Zhang, Chongguo Tian, Rui Li, Can Wu, Yali Lei, Si Zhang, Xinyi Wan, Yubao Chen, Yong Han, Min Cui, Cheng Huang, Hongli Wang, Yingjun Chen, and Gehui Wang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8999–9017,,, 2024
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Mandatory use of low-sulfur fuel due to global sulfur limit regulations means large uncertainties in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. On-board tests of VOCs from nine cargo ships in China were carried out. Results showed that switching from heavy-fuel oil to diesel increased emission factor VOCs by 48 % on average, enhancing O3 and the secondary organic aerosol formation potential. Thus, implementing a global ultra-low-sulfur oil policy needs to be optimized in the near future.
Patrick Dewald, Tobias Seubert, Simone T. Andersen, Gunther N. T. E. Türk, Jan Schuladen, Max R. McGillen, Cyrielle Denjean, Jean-Claude Etienne, Olivier Garrouste, Marina Jamar, Sergio Harb, Manuela Cirtog, Vincent Michoud, Mathieu Cazaunau, Antonin Bergé, Christopher Cantrell, Sebastien Dusanter, Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault, Alexandre Kukui, Chaoyang Xue, Abdelwahid Mellouki, Jos Lelieveld, and John N. Crowley
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8983–8997,,, 2024
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In the scope of a field campaign in a suburban forest near Paris in the summer of 2022, we measured the reactivity of the nitrate radical NO3 towards biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs; e.g. monoterpenes) mainly below but also above the canopy. NO3 reactivity was the highest during nights with strong temperature inversions and decreased strongly with height. Reactions with BVOCs were the main removal process of NO3 throughout the diel cycle below the canopy.
Jian Wang, Lei Xue, Qianyao Ma, Feng Xu, Gaobin Xu, Shibo Yan, Jiawei Zhang, Jianlong Li, Honghai Zhang, Guiling Zhang, and Zhaohui Chen
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8721–8736,,, 2024
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This study investigated the distribution and sources of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in the lower atmosphere over the marginal seas of China. NMHCs, a subset of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), play a crucial role in atmospheric chemistry. Derived from systematic atmospheric sampling in coastal cities and marginal sea regions, this study offers valuable insights into the interaction between land and sea in shaping offshore atmospheric NMHCs.
Yusheng Zhang, Feixue Zheng, Zemin Feng, Chaofan Lian, Weigang Wang, Xiaolong Fan, Wei Ma, Zhuohui Lin, Chang Li, Gen Zhang, Chao Yan, Ying Zhang, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Federico Bianch, Tuukka Petäjä, Juha Kangasluoma, Markku Kulmala, and Yongchun Liu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8569–8587,,, 2024
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The nitrous acid (HONO) budget was validated during a COVID-19 lockdown event. The main conclusions are (1) HONO concentrations showed a significant decrease from 0.97 to 0.53 ppb during lockdown; (2) vehicle emissions accounted for 53 % of nighttime sources, with the heterogeneous conversion of NO2 on ground surfaces more important than aerosol; and (3) the dominant daytime source shifted from the homogenous reaction between NO and OH (51 %) to nitrate photolysis (53 %) during lockdown.
Dong Zhang, Xiao Li, Minghao Yuan, Yifei Xu, Qixiang Xu, Fangcheng Su, Shenbo Wang, and Ruiqin Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8549–8567,,, 2024
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The increasing concentration of O3 precursors and unfavorable meteorological conditions are key factors in the formation of O3 pollution in Zhengzhou. Vehicular exhausts (28 %), solvent usage (27 %), and industrial production (22 %) are identified as the main sources of NMVOCs. Moreover, O3 formation in Zhengzhou is found to be in an anthropogenic volatile organic compound (AVOC)-limited regime. Thus, to reduce O3 formation, a minimum AVOCs / NOx reduction ratio ≥ 3 : 1 is recommended.
Delaney B. Kilgour, Christopher M. Jernigan, Olga Garmash, Sneha Aggarwal, Claudia Mohr, Matt E. Salter, Joel A. Thornton, Jian Wang, Paul Zieger, and Timothy H. Bertram
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We report simultaneous measurements of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and hydroperoxymethyl thioformate (HPMTF) in the Eastern North Atlantic. We use an observationally constrained box model to show cloud loss is the dominant sink of HPMTF in this region over six weeks, resulting in large reductions in DMS-derived products that contribute to aerosol formation and growth. Our findings indicate that fast cloud processing of HPMTF must be included in global models to accurately capture the sulfur cycle.
Arianna Peron, Martin Graus, Marcus Striednig, Christian Lamprecht, Georg Wohlfahrt, and Thomas Karl
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7063–7083,,, 2024
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The anthropogenic fraction of non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions associated with biogenic sources (e.g., terpenes) is investigated based on eddy covariance observations. The anthropogenic fraction of terpene emissions is strongly dependent on season. When analyzing volatile chemical product (VCP) emissions in urban environments, we caution that observations from short-term campaigns might over-/underestimate their significance depending on local and seasonal circumstances.
Sihang Wang, Bin Yuan, Xianjun He, Ru Cui, Xin Song, Yubin Chen, Caihong Wu, Chaomin Wang, Yibo Huangfu, Xiao-Bing Li, Boguang Wang, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7101–7121,,, 2024
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Emissions of reactive organic gases from industrial volatile chemical product sources are measured. There are large differences among these industrial sources. We show that oxygenated species account for significant contributions to reactive organic gas emissions, especially for industrial sources utilizing water-borne chemicals.
Qing Yang, Xiao-Bing Li, Bin Yuan, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Yibo Huangfu, Lei Yang, Xianjun He, Jipeng Qi, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 6865–6882,,, 2024
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Online vertical gradient measurements of formic and isocyanic acids were made based on a 320 m tower in a megacity. Vertical variations and sources of the two acids were analyzed in this study. We find that formic and isocyanic acids exhibited positive vertical gradients and were mainly contributed by photochemical formations. The formation of formic and isocyanic acids was also significantly enhanced in urban regions aloft.
Junwei Song, Harald Saathoff, Feng Jiang, Linyu Gao, Hengheng Zhang, and Thomas Leisner
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 6699–6717,,, 2024
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This study presents concurrent online measurements of organic gas and particles (VOCs and OA) at a forested site in summer. Both VOCs and OA were largely contributed by oxygenated organic compounds. Semi-volatile oxygenated OA and organic nitrate formed from monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes contributed significantly to nighttime particle growth. The results help us to understand the causes of nighttime particle growth regularly observed in summer in central European rural forested environments.
Jiemeng Bao, Xin Zhang, Zhenhai Wu, Li Zhou, Jun Qian, Qinwen Tan, Fumo Yang, Junhui Chen, Yunfeng Li, Hefan Liu, Liqun Deng, and Hong Li
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Our research in the Chengdu Plain Urban Agglomeration (CPUA), China, reveals significant correlations between carbonyl compounds and ozone pollution, particularly in Chengdu. Formaldehyde, acetone, and acetaldehyde are key contributors to ozone formation. Urgent collaborative actions among cities are needed to mitigate carbonyl-related ozone pollution, stressing the control of NOx and VOCs emissions. Our study offers crucial insights for crafting effective regional pollution control strategies.
Xin Yang, Kimberly Strong, Alison S. Criscitiello, Marta Santos-Garcia, Kristof Bognar, Xiaoyi Zhao, Pierre Fogal, Kaley A. Walker, Sara M. Morris, and Peter Effertz
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5863–5886,,, 2024
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This study uses snow samples collected from a Canadian high Arctic site, Eureka, to demonstrate that surface snow in early spring is a net sink of atmospheric bromine and nitrogen. Surface snow bromide and nitrate are significantly correlated, indicating the oxidation of reactive nitrogen is accelerated by reactive bromine. In addition, we show evidence that snow photochemical release of reactive bromine is very weak, and its emission flux is much smaller than the deposition flux of bromide.
Rebecca M. Garland, Katye E. Altieri, Laura Dawidowski, Laura Gallardo, Aderiana Mbandi, Nestor Y. Rojas, and N'datchoh E. Touré
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5757–5764,,, 2024
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This opinion piece focuses on two geographical areas in the Global South where the authors are based that are underrepresented in atmospheric science. This opinion provides context on common challenges and constraints, with suggestions on how the community can address these. The focus is on the strengths of atmospheric science research in these regions. It is these strengths, we believe, that highlight the critical role of Global South researchers in the future of atmospheric science research.
Heidi Hellén, Rostislav Kouznetsov, Kaisa Kraft, Jukka Seppälä, Mika Vestenius, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Lauri Laakso, and Hannele Hakola
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 4717–4731,,, 2024
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Mixing ratios of C2-C5 NMHCs and methanethiol were measured on an island in the Baltic Sea using an in situ gas chromatograph. Shipping emissions were found to be an important source of ethene, ethyne, propene, and benzene. High summertime mixing ratios of methanethiol and dependence of mixing ratios on seawater temperature and height indicated the biogenic origin to possibly be phytoplankton or macroalgae. These emissions may have a strong impact on SO2 production and new particle formation.
Matthew M. Coggon, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Lu Xu, Jeff Peischl, Jessica B. Gilman, Aaron Lamplugh, Henry J. Bowman, Kenneth Aikin, Colin Harkins, Qindan Zhu, Rebecca H. Schwantes, Jian He, Meng Li, Karl Seltzer, Brian McDonald, and Carsten Warneke
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 4289–4304,,, 2024
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Residential and commercial cooking emits pollutants that degrade air quality. Here, ambient observations show that cooking is an important contributor to anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted in Las Vegas, NV. These emissions are not fully presented in air quality models, and more work may be needed to quantify emissions from important sources, such as commercial restaurants.
Fabien Paulot, Gabrielle Pétron, Andrew M. Crotwell, and Matteo B. Bertagni
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 4217–4229,,, 2024
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New data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that hydrogen (H2) concentrations increased from 2010 to 2019, which is consistent with the simulated increase in H2 photochemical production (mainly from methane). But this cannot be reconciled with the expected decrease (increase) in H2 anthropogenic emissions (soil deposition) in the same period. This shows gaps in our knowledge of the H2 biogeochemical cycle that must be resolved to quantify the impact of higher H2 usage.
Wenjie Wang, Bin Yuan, Hang Su, Yafang Cheng, Jipeng Qi, Sihang Wang, Wei Song, Xinming Wang, Chaoyang Xue, Chaoqun Ma, Fengxia Bao, Hongli Wang, Shengrong Lou, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 4017–4027,,, 2024
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This study investigates the important role of unmeasured volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ozone formation. Based on results in a megacity of China, we show that unmeasured VOCs can contribute significantly to ozone fomation and also influence the determination of ozone control strategy. Our results show that these unmeasured VOCs are mainly from human sources.
Shigeyuki Ishidoya, Satoshi Sugawara, and Atsushi Okazaki
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Diurnal, seasonal, and interannual variations of the present-day stable isotopic ratio of atmospheric O2, in other words slight variations in the Dole-Morita effect, have been detected firstly. A box model that incorporated biological and water processes associated with the Dole-Morita effect reproduced the general characteristics of the observational results. Based on the findings, we proposed some applications to evaluate oxygen, carbon, and water cycles.
Romain Salignat, Matti Rissanen, Siddharth Iyer, Jean-Luc Baray, Pierre Tulet, Jean-Marc Metzger, Jérôme Brioude, Karine Sellegri, and Clémence Rose
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 3785–3812,,, 2024
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Using mass spectrometry data collected at the Maïdo Observatory (2160 m a.s.l., Réunion), we provide the first detailed analysis of molecular cluster chemical composition specifically in the marine free troposphere. The abundance of the identified species is related both to in situ meteorological parameters and air mass history, which also provide insight into their origin. Our work makes an important contribution to documenting the chemistry and physics of the marine free troposphere.
Delaney B. Kilgour, Gordon A. Novak, Megan S. Claflin, Brian M. Lerner, and Timothy H. Bertram
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 3729–3742,,, 2024
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Laboratory experiments with seawater mimics suggest ozone deposition to the surface ocean can be a source of reactive carbon to the marine atmosphere. We conduct both field and laboratory measurements to assess abiotic VOC composition and yields from ozonolysis of real surface seawater. We show that C5–C11 aldehydes contribute to the observed VOC emission flux. We estimate that VOCs generated by the ozonolysis of surface seawater are competitive with biological VOC production and emission.
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Short summary
In the last 40 years, different research groups have reported on the atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in Antarctica. In the present work, we make a compilation to understand the historical trends and estimate the atmospheric half-life of each compound. Of the compounds studied, HCB was the only one that showed no clear trend, while the rest of the studied compounds showed a significant decrease over time. This is consistent with results for polar and sub-polar zones.
In the last 40 years, different research groups have reported on the atmospheric concentrations...
Final-revised paper