Articles | Volume 22, issue 24
Research article
19 Dec 2022
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2022

An assessment of land energy balance over East Asia from multiple lines of evidence and the roles of the Tibet Plateau, aerosols, and clouds

Qiuyan Wang, Hua Zhang, Su Yang, Qi Chen, Xixun Zhou, Bing Xie, Yuying Wang, Guangyu Shi, and Martin Wild

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Cited articles

Boeke, R. C. and Taylor, P. C.: Evaluation of the Arctic surface radiation budget in CMIP5 models, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 121, 8525–8548,, 2016. 
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CMIP6: Climate models, The World Climate Research Programme [data set],, last access: 14 April 2022. 
Short summary
The present-day land energy balance over East Asia is estimated for the first time. Results indicate that high aerosol loadings, clouds, and the Tibet Plateau (TP) over East Asia play vital roles in the shortwave budgets, while the TP is responsible for the longwave budgets during this regional energy budget assessment. This study provides a perspective to understand fully how the potential factors influence the diversifying regional energy budget assessments.
Final-revised paper