Articles | Volume 15, issue 22
Research article
27 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 27 Nov 2015

Composition, size distribution, optical properties, and radiative effects of laboratory-resuspended PM10 from geological dust of the Rome area, by electron microscopy and radiative transfer modelling

A. Pietrodangelo, R. Salzano, C. Bassani, S. Pareti, and C. Perrino

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New information is given here on mineralogy, microphysical and optical properties, and radiative effects, of PM10 types from surface rocks at a non-desert site (Rome area, Italy). A large data set was built, by SEM XEDS microanalysis, of mineral particles (silicates, quartz and calcite, depending on rocks). Dust types show different size distribution, optical properties, and radiative effects. Radiative transfer modelling (6SV) based on SEM XEDS data is a further original feature of this work.
Final-revised paper