Articles | Volume 24, issue 17
Measurement report
03 Sep 2024
Measurement report |  | 03 Sep 2024

Measurement report: Characteristics of airborne black-carbon-containing particles during the 2021 summer COVID-19 lockdown in a typical Yangtze River Delta city, China

Yuan Dai, Junfeng Wang, Houjun Wang, Shijie Cui, Yunjiang Zhang, Haiwei Li, Yun Wu, Ming Wang, Eleonora Aruffo, and Xinlei Ge

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Short summary
Short-term strict emission control can improve air quality, but its effectiveness needs assessment. During the 2021 summer COVID-19 lockdown in Yangzhou, we found that PM2.5 levels did not decrease despite reduced primary emissions. Aged black-carbon particles increased substantially due to higher O3 levels and transported pollutants. High humidity and low wind also played key roles. The results highlight the importance of a regionally balanced control strategy for future air quality management.
Final-revised paper