Articles | Volume 16, issue 18
Research article
28 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 28 Sep 2016

Modeling the reactive halogen plume from Ambrym and its impact on the troposphere with the CCATT-BRAMS mesoscale model

Line Jourdain, Tjarda Jane Roberts, Michel Pirre, and Beatrice Josse

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Allard, P., Aiuppa, A., Bani, P., Métrich, N., Bertagnini, A., Gauthier, P. J., Shinohara, H., Sawyer, G., Parello, F., Bagnato, E., and Pelletier, B.: Prodigious emission rates and magma degassing budget of major, trace and radioactive volatile species from Ambrym basaltic volcano, Vanuatu island Arc, J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res.,, online first, 2015.
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Short summary
Ambrym Volcano (Vanuatu, southwest Pacific) is one of the largest sources of continuous volcanic emissions worldwide. We performed a modeling study that confirms the strong influence of Ambrym emissions during an extreme degassing event of early 2005 on the composition of the atmosphere on the local and regional scales. It also stresses the importance of considering reactive halogen chemistry in the volcanic plume when assessing the impact of volcanic emissions on climate.
Final-revised paper