Articles | Volume 25, issue 4
Research article
28 Feb 2025
Research article |  | 28 Feb 2025

The lifetimes and potential change in planetary albedo owing to the oxidation of thin surfactant organic films extracted from atmospheric aerosol by hydroxyl (OH) radicals at the air–water interface of particles

Rosalie H. Shepherd, Martin D. King, Andrew D. Ward, Edward J. Stuckey, Rebecca J. L. Welbourn, Neil Brough, Adam Milsom, Christian Pfrang, and Thomas Arnold

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Laboratory Studies | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Short summary
Thin film formation at the air–water interface from material extracted from atmospheric aerosol was demonstrated, supporting the core–shell morphology. Film thicknesses were approximately 10 Å and 17 Å for urban and remote extracts, respectively. Exposure to gas-phase OH radicals showed fast reactions and short lifetimes of around 1 h. The effect on the Earth's radiative balance indicated that removing half of the film could significantly increase the top-of-atmosphere albedo for urban films.
Final-revised paper