Articles | Volume 20, issue 15
Research article
11 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2020

Modelling of the public health costs of fine particulate matter and results for Finland in 2015

Jaakko Kukkonen, Mikko Savolahti, Yuliia Palamarchuk, Timo Lanki, Väinö Nurmi, Ville-Veikko Paunu, Leena Kangas, Mikhail Sofiev, Ari Karppinen, Androniki Maragkidou, Pekka Tiittanen, and Niko Karvosenoja

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The contribution of residential wood combustion to the PM2.5 concentrations in the Helsinki metropolitan area
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We have developed a mathematical model that can be used to analyse the benefits that could be achieved by implementing alternative air quality abatement measures, policies or strategies. The model was applied to determine pollution sources in the whole of Finland in 2015. Clearly the most economically effective measures were the reduction in emissions from low-level sources in urban areas. Such sources include road transport, non-road vehicles and machinery, and residential wood combustion.
Final-revised paper