Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Review article
23 Aug 2024
Review article |  | 23 Aug 2024

Understanding the role of contrails and contrail cirrus in climate change: a global perspective

Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Swarnali Sanyal, and Donald J. Wuebbles

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Subject: Climate and Earth System | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Radiative forcing of contrails could triple by 2050 due to increased air traffic and potential changes in flight altitudes. Factors like air traffic patterns, fuel efficiency, alternative fuels, and climate change further influence this impact. By highlighting gaps in knowledge and uncertainties, this research helps set priorities for future studies and assess strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of aviation emissions.
Final-revised paper