The authors have satisfactorily addressed my comments regarding the inconsistencies between their earlier study and the present study. I applaud the authors for deciding to prepare a corrigendum for Rong et al. 2020 paper and the corrections made to this paper concerning IA cluster structures.
Unfortunately, the author failed to address several key concerns which I had in the preface of my last review. After addressing the first-round reviews, the data quality of this manuscript is better. The revised data, to my opinion, clearly suggest that the IA-MSA particle formation mechanism quantitatively fails to explain both the field observations and laboratory investigations. This conflicts with the theme of this manuscript.
However, I think the data presented in this manuscript are still valuable if interpreted correctly. The authors should quantitatively compare their results with laboratory formation rates and conclude based on the comparison. They will find that their IA-MSA formation rates are too low (6 orders of magnitude lower) compared to the laboratory results and other species must be needed.
I understand that scholars tend to be reluctant to report negative results these days but I personally think a correctly interpreted negative result is certainly more valuable than misunderstood positive results. Thus, I urge the authors to make the suggested modifications.
Major comments:
1. In my previous review, I suggested that additional cluster geometries and free energies were needed to complete this study which was not adopted by the authors. The authors cited the statements from the ACDC manual and I attach the original whole paragraph below:
The criteria for clusters to grow out of the simulation, also known as boundary conditions, are essential parameters in an ACDC simulation. When a collision results in a cluster not included in the simulation set, it must be decided what to do with this product: is it reasonable to let it leave the simulation, or is it more likely that the cluster evaporates back to a smaller size? If the cluster composition can be assumed to be stable, i.e. molecular collisions are likely to dominate over evaporation, the cluster can be let out. As by default there is no information on the stabilities of clusters outside the system, the outgrowth criteria must be decided based on the existing data (molecular composition of the clusters along the main growth pathways, trends in the collision and evaporation rates inside the system...) and the best understanding (general chemistry of the clusters). An unreasonable choice of outgrowth criteria, on the other hand, may distort the simulation results.
The manual suggests that molecular collision should “dominate” evaporation. “Dominate” does not mean collision/evaporation equals one. So, lines starting line162 and SI are clearly misinterpretations. The authors can check e.g., Fig. 5.1 in the ACDC manual and relevant figures in e.g., Myllys et al. 2018, Elm et al. 2017 which all have much larger out-of-box collision to evaporation ratios.
The authors argue that their consideration of acid = 1e6 cm-3 is stringent and so the ratio equal to 0.2 is fine. This is not true. The authors should ensure that the out-of-box cluster has dominant collision over evaporation under all considered conditions (acid concentration, temperature etc.). A ratio of 10 is more adequate compared to 1. Thus, additional calculations are needed.
Additionally, I have a further question on the newly added equation SI. Can the authors specify where did they cite the equation from? The denominator is the sum of evaporation pathways which could be evaporating IA, MSA, IAMSA, IA2 etc but the numerator is the collision between IA and IA4MSA2? How about MSA and IA4MSA2? Please reconsider this.
2. The authors need to include the formation rates from He et al. 2021 in their figures (e.g., Figure 3, 6). This way it will be apparent that there are 6 orders of magnitude differences between the CLOUD results and the present manuscript. While my suggestions concerning adding clusters will likely reduce the discrepancy, it will not resolve such a 6 orders of magnitude difference.
The author argued that both experiments and QC calculations have errors. However, such a huge error cannot be explained by systematic errors. QC+ACDC is a developed toolset and has been verified in multiple studies concerning e.g., SA + NH3 + DMA. Previous studies has reported reasonably well comparison with the CLOUD rates (e.g, Myllys et al. 2019; Myllys et al. 2016; Almeida et al. 2013; Olenius et al 2013). The 6 orders of magnitude discrepancy in this study mush be due to other reasons.
The authors made a good point in their response that He et al. 2021 concluded that other iodine species (such as HIO2) are also critical in iodine particle formation processes. Therefore, the calculation of the pure-IA system in this manuscript is distinct from that of He et al. 2021. My revisit to the mentioned papers confirms their statement. Nevertheless, this affirms the fact that additional species are required to explain iodine + sulfur induced nucleation in marine and polar environments. I took a closer look at He et al 2021, particularly the part on how these HIO3 and HIO2 are formed. They seem to conclude that these species are simultaneously produced from iodine oxidation processes with relatively simple conditions analogous to the atmosphere. This would suggest that, besides HIO3, other iodine species are also present. Have the authors considered this possibility (e.g. is HIO2 important in the iodine nucleation?)?
3. In fact, the authors agree with my comments above by stating additional species, such as HIO2, iodine oxides, SA, NH3, amines can be important in marine and coastal particle formation processes too (lines 268 - 273). While I agree with the authors that marine environments are vast and different mechanisms can take place in different regions, the mechanism proposed in this study explains none of the mentioned field observations (Beck et al. 2021; Baccarini et al. 2020; Sipila et al. 2016).
The authors argue that their results do not conflict with Sipila et al. 2016 since they also suggest IA is important at Mace Head. However, at IA = 1E8, the authors calculated a formation rate of around 1e-2 cm-3 and even with additional MSA = 1E8, they get a formation rate of around 1 cm-3. However, the particle formation events at Mace Head are significantly stronger at the same acid concentration (Figure 1 in Sipila et al 2016 at IA = 1E8), sometimes reaching 1e7 cm-3 (O’dowd et al. 1999).
The same applies to Baccarini et al. 2020. Figure 1 in Baccarini et al. 2020 is at around 268 K which is not present in this manuscript. However, we can generously take the value from the results at 258K in this study (Figure 6c). With HIO3 at around 5e6, the formation rate is below 1e-5 cm-3 in this manuscript which indicates there should be no particle formation. This conflicts with Baccarini et al. 2020 since they observe strong particle formation events there.
The authors have removed the controversial Fig. 6 in the original manuscript which is good. In that figure, Beck et al 2021 also does not support the IA-MSA mechanism.
Considering these field observations and results from this manuscript, the correct derivation is that IA-MSA explains none of the mentioned field observations and additional species must be needed. The authors are also encouraged to discuss the potential contributing species.
4. L13: Before getting into the IA-MSA nucleation. 1) compare Pure IA results with experimental results and point out the difference. 2) explain the enhancement of Pure IA nucleation by MSA. 3) the combined effect is still too small compared to field observations. 4) additional species need to be considered (reasonably specify a few). The same applies to the conclusion part.
Minor comments:
L40: My read does not find that He et al. 2021 suggests the involvement of I2O5 and I2O4 in the nucleation? It looks to me that they cannot conclude the role of I2O4/I2O5. But maybe the authors can refer me to the relevant sentences.
L67: Aside from the difference in calculation methods, the authors should also write clearly that the geometries of IA2 and IA3 are different from what they have presented in their response.
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