A main problem with this paper is that the authors make use of many qualitative arguments based on previously published papers instead of using their observation data to quantitatively support their speculations. Despite my strong objections to these speculations in the first-round review, the long-winded response mostly re-stated what was in the original paper. Reviewing the original paper and reading the responses are painful exercises because the authors’ arguments are mostly based on some “beliefs” seemingly garnered from incorrectly reading other papers. Their observations were often either ignored or misused. My concerns are not properly addressed and I cannot find good reasons to change my original recommendation.
(1) In response to my first comment, they cited several previously published papers and corrected a mistake I pointed out in the first-round review. A larger primary radical source from HONO photolysis does not mean that OH increases in the same proportion as the primary source increase. The question, which they did not answer in the response, is how much OH increase can be sustained by the photolysis of HONO. The response ran around in circles of this question.
The newly added statement, “These results mean that the photolysis of HONO should play an important role in the initiation of the daytime HOx and ROx chemistry on polluted days in winter, while photolysis of O3 becomes more important from April to June.”, did not answer the question on the quantitative effect of HONO photolysis on OH. The statement itself is meaningless. What does “more important” mean? Is “more” for comparison between April-June and winter or between HONO and O3 photolysis? The understanding of chemistry is also flawed. The primary radical source from O3 photolysis is not JO1D*CO3. It is much smaller because most O1D reacts with N2 and O2. JO1D*CO3 cannot be compared to the photolysis rate of HONO directly (which was done in this paper).
The response did not address my comment of “There are many reasons that HONO/CO correlates with OA/CO. For example, CO is primary in winter in Beijing. If HONO and OA variations are from secondary sources, there will be high correlations as shown.”
The statement, “It should be noted that the daytime lifetime of HONO is very short due to photolysis. This means regional transport should has little influence on local HONO concentration.”, is also incorrect. The lifetime of HONO at night is long and transport affects HONO concentrations. In daytime, if a substantial fraction of HONO is from NO2, transport certainly affects NOx and therefore HONO.
In the statement, “As the meteorological condition was stagnant during these cases as indicated by the low wind speed (< 1.0 m s-1, Fig. S5D), it was reasonable to mainly ascribe the increase of OA concentration to local secondary formation initiated by OH radical from HONO photolysis”, how could the authors know that the increase of OA is from “local secondary formation initiated by OH radical from HONO photolysis”?
The new statement, “We explained the increased ammonium as the result of enhanced neutralization of HNO3 by NH3 (Wang et al., 2018;Wen et al., 2018;Sun et al., 2018) because NH4+ was adequate to neutralize both sulfate and nitrate as shown in Fig.S8” is incorrect. In Beijing winter, higher HNO3 does not necessarily convert more NH3 to ammonia. The authors appear to have a limited understanding of aerosol chemistry.
(2) In response to my comments on the HONO budget, Table S3 is useful. However, looking at Fig. S9, could some of the HONO measured with ~100 ppb NOx be a result of inlet conversion of NO2 to HONO? Some dirty vehicles may have high HONO/NO2 emission ratios, but I find it puzzling why no measurements seem to have HONO/NO2 ratio < 1% for the selected “fresh emission” data points.
The response did not answer my comment “No discussion was given on what volume was used and how it varied in a day.” The response states “The hourly NOx emission inventory from vehicles in Beijing, with an annual emission rate of 109.9 Gg yr-1 (Yang et al., 2019), was used when calculating the Evehicle in this work.” The authors need to state what area is used for Beijing. The Beijing metropolitan area is very large. Vehicle emission rates can be extremely low in the rural regions of Beijing, the area of which is much larger than the urban core. A further statement “…the PBL height as described in Section 2.2. Thus, the calculated emission rate reflected the diurnal variation of both the emission inventory and the PBL height” does not provide useful information. I cannot find where they got the PBL data and their calculation on the effects of diurnally varying PBL on the budget of HONO. For example, the nighttime PBLH is usually 10-50 times less than the daytime. Therefore, the nighttime vehicle HONO source is 10 times or more than daytime (after accounting for lower emissions at night). The diurnal variation for the vehicle source in Figure 3 is too small.
The only information of PBLH data used in this study I can find is Fig. S4A. The figure shows that PBLH varies from 20 to 3500 m. The distribution does not seem to show that PBLH increases from winter to summer. It provides no useful information on answering my question of diurnal HONO budget variation.
The newly added statement, “In the daytime, we assume a zero concentration gradient”, is wrong. If the PBLH is 3 km, how can HONO be constant from the surface to 3 km? At night, PBLH is usually low. Vertical mixing is not even a sink of HONO for a budget analysis that extends from the surface to the PBL top. (Eqs. (12) and (13) cannot even be used to estimate the vertical loss of HONO when the vehicle emission source is estimated as emission rate/PBLH). The statement “In the night, 79 % of the wind speed was lower than 1.0 m s-1 in winter” is likely based on surface wind measurements at a site where wind is blocked by buildings in the city. Looking at any meteorological data, wind speed is stronger in winter than summer in Beijing and the average wind speed in Beijing in winter is much higher than 1 m/s.
The authors assume that ground level gamma values are the same as dust aerosols and calculated a low surface HONO source. What is the justification? The assumption is arbitrary.
I do not follow the reasoning from “If both the rNO2,BET (1x10-6) and surface roughness are increased to the values used in modeling studies, the nighttime production rate of HONO via heterogeneous reaction of NO2 on ground surface will be 2.9 ppb h-1. This means a large sink missed if this number is reasonable” to the conclusion statement “These results mean that heterogeneous reaction might not be a major HONO source. This is consistent with a recent work that found heterogeneous reaction being unimportant when compared with traffic emission during haze events in winter in Beijing (Zhang et al., 2019c)”. The authors found that the surface source can be much larger (a factor of 10) than the vehicle source. However, because they or previous publications believe that the vehicle HONO source is most important, the authors concluded that the vehicle HONO source is the most important in their dataset too. The argument is circular and meaningless.
The HONO budget analysis is flawed for several reasons. The methodology has errors. There is no closure on the (hourly) budget. Each source and sink terms have very large uncertainties and some arbitrary decisions were made on the parameter values to justify that vehicle emissions are the largest HONO source. The analysis results in this paper are not scientifically credible. |