Articles | Volume 20, issue 17
Research article
11 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 11 Sep 2020

The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part II: Scenarios for 2040

Martin O. P. Ramacher, Lin Tang, Jana Moldanová, Volker Matthias, Matthias Karl, Erik Fridell, and Lasse Johansson

Data sets

TAPM: A practical approach to prognostic meteorological and air pollution modelling P. J. Hurley, W. L. Physick, and A. K. Luhar

Short summary
The effects of shipping emissions on air quality and health in the harbour city of Gothenburg were simulated for different scenarios for the year 2040 with coupled regional and city-scale chemistry transport models to evaluate the impact of regional emission regulations and onshore electricity for ships at berth. The results show that contributions of shipping to exposure and associated health impacts from particulate matter and NO2 decrease significantly compared to 2012 in all scenarios.
Final-revised paper