Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
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© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Strong modification of stratospheric ozone forcing by cloud and sea-ice adjustments
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University,
Montréal, Canada
Yongyun Hu
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Peking University,
Beijing, China
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University,
Montréal, Canada
Related authors
Yongyun Hu, Yan Xia, Zhengyu Liu, Yuchen Wang, Zhengyao Lu, and Tao Wang
Clim. Past, 16, 199–209,,, 2020
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The paper shows, using climate simulations, that the Pacific–North American (PNA) teleconnection was distorted or completely broken at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The results suggest that ENSO would have little direct impact on North American climates at the LGM.
Daniel J. Varon, Daniel J. Jacob, Jason McKeever, Dylan Jervis, Berke O. A. Durak, Yan Xia, and Yi Huang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5673–5686,,, 2018
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Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas emitted from numerous human activities. Space-based observation of point sources would be a cost-effective monitoring solution, but the resolution of most current and planned methane-observing satellites is too coarse to resolve individual emitters. We simulate fine-resolution (50 m) satellite observations of methane plumes as would be measured by GHGSat (to be launched in 2019) and show that such data can usefully quantify large methane point sources.
Lei Liu, Natalia Bliankinshtein, Yi Huang, John R. Gyakum, Philip M. Gabriel, Shiqi Xu, and Mengistu Wolde
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18, 471–485,,, 2025
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This study evaluates and compares a new microwave hyperspectrometer with an infrared hyperspectrometer for clear-sky temperature and water vapor retrievals. The analysis reveals that the information content of the infrared hyperspectrometer exceeds that of the microwave hyperspectrometer and provides higher vertical resolution in ground-based zenith measurements. Leveraging the ground–airborne synergy between the two instruments yielded optimal sounding results.
Jie Gao, Yi Huang, Jonathon S. Wright, Ke Li, Tao Geng, and Qiurun Yu
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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The aerosol in the upper troposphere and stratosphere is highly variable, and its radiative effect is poorly understood. To estimate that effect, the radiative kernel is constructed and applied. The results show that the kernels can reproduce aerosol radiative effects and are expected to simulate stratospheric aerosol radiative effects. This approach reduces computational expense and consists well with radiative model calculations and can be applied to atmospheric models with speed requirements.
Hu Yang, Xiaoxu Shi, Xulong Wang, Qingsong Liu, Yi Zhong, Xiaodong Liu, Youbin Sun, Yanjun Cai, Fei Liu, Gerrit Lohmann, Martin Werner, Zhimin Jian, Tainã M. L. Pinho, Hai Cheng, Lijuan Lu, Jiping Liu, Chao-Yuan Yang, Qinghua Yang, Yongyun Hu, Xing Cheng, Jingyu Zhang, and Dake Chen
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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The precession driven low-latitude hydrological cycle is not paced by hemispheric summer insolation, but shifting perihelion.
Qiurun Yu, Dylan Jervis, and Yi Huang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 3347–3366,,, 2024
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This study estimated the effects of aerosols on GHGSat satellite methane retrieval and investigated the performance of simultaneously retrieving aerosol and methane information using a multi-angle viewing method. Results suggested that the performance of GHGSat methane retrieval improved when aerosols were considered, and the multi-angle viewing method is insensitive to the satellite angle setting. This performance assessment is useful for improving future GHGSat-like instruments.
Ziying Yang, Jiping Liu, Mirong Song, Yongyun Hu, Qinghua Yang, and Ke Fan
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Antarctic sea ice has changed rapidly in recent years. Here we developed a deep learning model trained by multiple climate variables for extended seasonal Antarctic sea ice prediction. Our model shows high predictive skills up to 6 months in advance, particularly in predicting extreme events. It also shows skillful predictions at the sea ice edge and year-to-year sea ice changes. Variable importance analyses suggest what variables are more important for prediction at different lead times.
Anni Zhao, Ran Feng, Chris M. Brierley, Jian Zhang, and Yongyun Hu
Clim. Past, 20, 1195–1211,,, 2024
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We analyse simulations with idealised aerosol scenarios to examine the importance of aerosol forcing on mPWP precipitation and how aerosol uncertainty could explain the data–model mismatch. We find further warming, a narrower and stronger ITCZ, and monsoon domain rainfall change after removal of industrial emissions. Aerosols have more impacts on tropical precipitation than the mPWP boundary conditions. This highlights the importance of prescribed aerosol scenarios in simulating mPWP climate.
Haoyue Zuo, Yonggang Liu, Gaojun Li, Zhifang Xu, Liang Zhao, Zhengtang Guo, and Yongyun Hu
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 3949–3974,,, 2024
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Compared to the silicate weathering fluxes measured at large river basins, the current models tend to systematically overestimate the fluxes over the tropical region, which leads to an overestimation of the global total weathering flux. The most possible cause of such bias is found to be the overestimation of tropical surface erosion, which indicates that the tropical vegetation likely slows down physical erosion significantly. We propose a way of taking this effect into account in models.
Lei Liu, Natalia Bliankinshtein, Yi Huang, John R. Gyakum, Philip M. Gabriel, Shiqi Xu, and Mengistu Wolde
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 2219–2233,,, 2024
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We conducted a radiance closure experiment using a unique combination of two hyperspectral radiometers, one operating in the microwave and the other in the infrared. By comparing the measurements of the two hyperspectrometers to synthetic radiance simulated from collocated atmospheric profiles, we affirmed the proper performance of the two instruments and quantified their radiometric uncertainty for atmospheric sounding applications.
Han Huang and Yi Huang
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 3001–3021,,, 2023
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We present a newly generated set of ERA5-based radiative kernels and compare them with other published kernels for the top of the atmosphere and surface radiation budgets. For both, the discrepancies in sensitivity values are generally of small magnitude, except for temperature kernels for the surface, likely due to improper treatment in the perturbation experiments used for kernel computation. The kernel bias is not a major cause of the inter-GCM (general circulation model) feedback spread.
Jing Feng and Yi Huang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 15493–15518,,, 2021
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This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of thermodynamic fields above tropical cyclones. Using a synergistic retrieval method, we develop the first infrared hyperspectra-based dataset of collocated temperature and water vapor profiles above deep convective clouds. It discloses the unique impacts of convective overshoots on the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). Challenging conventional views, our study suggests that convective hydration may be limited by the radiative balance above cyclones.
Jing Feng, Yi Huang, and Zhipeng Qu
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 5717–5734,,, 2021
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It is challenging to measure the atmospheric conditions above convective storms. In this study, a method of retrieving thermodynamic variables above convective storms using a combination of satellite-based observations from a hyperspectral infrared sounder and active sensors is developed. We find that this method captures the spatial distributions of thermodynamic anomalies above convective clouds well. This method is potentially applicable to observations from current and future satellites.
Zhipeng Qu, Yi Huang, Paul A. Vaillancourt, Jason N. S. Cole, Jason A. Milbrandt, Man-Kong Yau, Kaley Walker, and Jean de Grandpré
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 2143–2159,,, 2020
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This study aims to better understand the mechanism of transport of water vapour through the mid-latitude tropopause. The results affirm the strong influence of overshooting convection on lower-stratospheric water vapour and highlight the importance of both dynamics and cloud microphysics in simulating water vapour distribution in the region of the upper troposphere–lower stratosphere.
Yongyun Hu, Yan Xia, Zhengyu Liu, Yuchen Wang, Zhengyao Lu, and Tao Wang
Clim. Past, 16, 199–209,,, 2020
Short summary
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The paper shows, using climate simulations, that the Pacific–North American (PNA) teleconnection was distorted or completely broken at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The results suggest that ENSO would have little direct impact on North American climates at the LGM.
Daniel J. Varon, Daniel J. Jacob, Jason McKeever, Dylan Jervis, Berke O. A. Durak, Yan Xia, and Yi Huang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5673–5686,,, 2018
Short summary
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Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas emitted from numerous human activities. Space-based observation of point sources would be a cost-effective monitoring solution, but the resolution of most current and planned methane-observing satellites is too coarse to resolve individual emitters. We simulate fine-resolution (50 m) satellite observations of methane plumes as would be measured by GHGSat (to be launched in 2019) and show that such data can usefully quantify large methane point sources.
Wenshou Tian, Yuanpu Li, Fei Xie, Jiankai Zhang, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Wuhu Feng, Yongyun Hu, Sen Zhao, Xin Zhou, Yun Yang, and Xuan Ma
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6705–6722,,, 2017
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Although the principal mechanisms responsible for the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole are well understood, the factors or processes that generate interannual variations in ozone levels in the southern high-latitude stratosphere remain under debate. This study finds that the SST variations across the East Asian marginal seas (5° S–35° N, 100–140° E) could modulate the southern high-latitude stratospheric ozone interannual changes.
Chao-Yuan Yang, Jiping Liu, Yongyun Hu, Radley M. Horton, Liqi Chen, and Xiao Cheng
The Cryosphere, 10, 2429–2452,,, 2016
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The anomaly correlation analysis between the decadal hindcast and observed sea ice suggests that in the Arctic, the areas showing significant predictive skill become broader associated with increasing lead times. This area expansion is largely because nearly all the models are capable of predicting the observed decreasing Arctic sea ice cover. Antarctic sea ice decadal hindcasts do not show broad predictive skill at any timescales.
J. Yang, Y. Hu, and W. R. Peltier
Clim. Past, 8, 2019–2029,,, 2012
Related subject area
Subject: Radiation | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Stratosphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
Revisiting the question “Why is the sky blue?”
Changes in global teleconnection patterns under global warming and stratospheric aerosol intervention scenarios
Exploring accumulation-mode H2SO4 versus SO2 stratospheric sulfate geoengineering in a sectional aerosol–chemistry–climate model
Climate impact of idealized winter polar mesospheric and stratospheric ozone losses as caused by energetic particle precipitation
Ultraviolet radiation modelling from ground-based and satellite measurements on Reunion Island, southern tropics
Sensitivity of the tropical stratospheric ozone response to the solar rotational cycle in observations and chemistry–climate model simulations
The radiative role of ozone and water vapour in the annual temperature cycle in the tropical tropopause layer
Shortwave radiative forcing, rapid adjustment, and feedback to the surface by sulfate geoengineering: analysis of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project G4 scenario
Technical Note: A novel parameterization of the transmissivity due to ozone absorption in the k-distribution method and correlated-k approximation of Kato et al. (1999) over the UV band
Gauss–Seidel limb scattering (GSLS) radiative transfer model development in support of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) limb profiler mission
Analysis of the ozone profile specifications in the WRF-ARW model and their impact on the simulation of direct solar radiation
Examining the stratospheric response to the solar cycle in a coupled WACCM simulation with an internally generated QBO
Recent variability of the solar spectral irradiance and its impact on climate modelling
Tropospheric temperature response to stratospheric ozone recovery in the 21st century
Stratospheric water vapour and high climate sensitivity in a version of the HadSM3 climate model
Geoengineering by stratospheric SO2 injection: results from the Met Office HadGEM2 climate model and comparison with the Goddard Institute for Space Studies ModelE
The effect of nonlinearity in CO2 heating rates on the attribution of stratospheric ozone and temperature changes
Anna Lange, Alexei Rozanov, and Christian von Savigny
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 14829–14839,,, 2023
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We were able to demonstrate quantitatively that the blue colour of the sky cannot be solely attributed to Rayleigh scattering. The influence of ozone on the blue colour of the sky is calculated for different viewing geometries, total ozone columns and an enhanced stratospheric aerosol scenario. Furthermore, the effects of polarisation, surface albedo and observer height are investigated.
Abolfazl Rezaei, Khalil Karami, Simone Tilmes, and John C. Moore
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 5835–5850,,, 2023
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Teleconnection patterns are important characteristics of the climate system; well-known examples include the El Niño and La Niña events driven from the tropical Pacific. We examined how spatiotemporal patterns that arise in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans behave under stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and greenhouse gas (GHG)-induced warming. In general, geoengineering reverses trends; however, the changes in decadal oscillation for the AMO, NAO, and PDO imposed by GHG are not suppressed.
Sandro Vattioni, Debra Weisenstein, David Keith, Aryeh Feinberg, Thomas Peter, and Andrea Stenke
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 4877–4897,,, 2019
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This study is among the first modeling studies on stratospheric sulfate geoengineering that interactively couple a size-resolved sectional aerosol module to well-described stratospheric chemistry and radiation schemes in a global 3-D chemistry–climate model. We found that compared with SO2 injection, the direct emission of aerosols results in more effective radiative forcing and that sensitivities to different injection strategies vary for different forms of injected sulfur.
Katharina Meraner and Hauke Schmidt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 1079–1089,,, 2018
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Using a coupled Earth system model and radiative transfer modeling we show that the radiative forcing of a winter polar mesospheric ozone loss due to energetic particle precipitation is negligible. A climate impact of a mesospheric ozone loss as suggested by Andersson et al. (2014, Nature Communications) seems unlikely. A winter polar stratospheric ozone loss due to energetic particle precipitation leads to a small warming of the stratosphere, but only a few statistically significant changes.
Kévin Lamy, Thierry Portafaix, Colette Brogniez, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Hassan Bencherif, Béatrice Morel, Andrea Pazmino, Jean Marc Metzger, Frédérique Auriol, Christine Deroo, Valentin Duflot, Philippe Goloub, and Charles N. Long
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 227–246,,, 2018
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This work focuses on solar radiation in the tropics, more specifically on ultraviolet radiation. From ground-based and satellite observations of the chemical state of the atmosphere, we were able to model the ultraviolet measurements measured in the southern tropics with a very small error. This is a first step to modelling and predicting future ultraviolet levels in the tropics from chemistry-climate projections.
Rémi Thiéblemont, Marion Marchand, Slimane Bekki, Sébastien Bossay, Franck Lefèvre, Mustapha Meftah, and Alain Hauchecorne
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 9897–9916,,, 2017
Alison Ming, Amanda C. Maycock, Peter Hitchcock, and Peter Haynes
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 5677–5701,,, 2017
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This work quantifies the contribution of the seasonal changes in ozone and water vapour to the temperature cycle in a region of the atmosphere about ~ 18 km up in the tropics (the lower stratosphere). This region is important because most of the air entering the stratosphere does so through this region and temperature fluctuations there influence how much water vapour enters the stratosphere and hence the properties of the stratosphere.
Hiroki Kashimura, Manabu Abe, Shingo Watanabe, Takashi Sekiya, Duoying Ji, John C. Moore, Jason N. S. Cole, and Ben Kravitz
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 3339–3356,,, 2017
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This study analyses shortwave radiation (SW) in the G4 experiment of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project. G4 involves stratospheric injection of 5 Tg yr−1 of SO2 against the RCP4.5 scenario. The global mean forcing of the sulphate geoengineering has an inter-model variablity of −3.6 to −1.6 W m−2, implying a high uncertainty in modelled processes of sulfate aerosols. Changes in water vapour and cloud amounts due to the SO2 injection weaken the forcing at the surface by around 50 %.
W. Wandji Nyamsi, A. Arola, P. Blanc, A. V. Lindfors, V. Cesnulyte, M. R. A. Pitkänen, and L. Wald
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 7449–7456,,, 2015
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A novel model of the absorption of radiation by ozone in the UV bands [283, 307]nm and [307, 328]nm yields improvements in the modeling of the transmissivity in these bands. This model is faster than detailed spectral calculations and is as accurate with maximum errors of respectively 0.0006 and 0.0143. How to practically implement this new parameterization in a radiative transfer model is discussed for the case of libRadtran.
R. Loughman, D. Flittner, E. Nyaku, and P. K. Bhartia
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3007–3020,,, 2015
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The Gauss--Seidel limb scattering (GSLS) radiative transfer model simulates the transfer of solar radiation through the atmosphere. Several recent changes have been added that improve the accuracy and flexibility of the GSLS radiance calculations. The single-scattered radiance errors have been reduced from 4% in earlier studies to 0.3%, while total radiance errors generally decline from 10% to 1-3%. In all cases, the tangent height dependence of the GSLS radiance error is greatly reduced.
A. Montornès, B. Codina, and J. W. Zack
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2693–2707,,, 2015
A. C. Kren, D. R. Marsh, A. K. Smith, and P. Pilewskie
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 4843–4856,,, 2014
I. Ermolli, K. Matthes, T. Dudok de Wit, N. A. Krivova, K. Tourpali, M. Weber, Y. C. Unruh, L. Gray, U. Langematz, P. Pilewskie, E. Rozanov, W. Schmutz, A. Shapiro, S. K. Solanki, and T. N. Woods
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 3945–3977,,, 2013
Y. Hu, Y. Xia, and Q. Fu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 7687–7699,,, 2011
M. M. Joshi, M. J. Webb, A. C. Maycock, and M. Collins
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 7161–7167,,, 2010
A. Jones, J. Haywood, O. Boucher, B. Kravitz, and A. Robock
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 5999–6006,,, 2010
A. I. Jonsson, V. I. Fomichev, and T. G. Shepherd
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 8447–8452,,, 2009
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Short summary
In this work, we discover a strong cloud radiative adjustment that affects the sign of the global surface temperature change in response to stratospheric ozone forcing. We believe this discovery is both interesting, in that our GCM experiments show that a global cooling can result from a warming forcing, and new, in that a strong cloud adjustment to ozone forcing, to the best of our knowledge, has not being documented before.
In this work, we discover a strong cloud radiative adjustment that affects the sign of the...
Final-revised paper