Articles | Volume 24, issue 5
Research article
14 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 14 Mar 2024

Contribution of brown carbon to light absorption in emissions of European residential biomass combustion appliances

Satish Basnet, Anni Hartikainen, Aki Virkkula, Pasi Yli-Pirilä, Miika Kortelainen, Heikki Suhonen, Laura Kilpeläinen, Mika Ihalainen, Sampsa Väätäinen, Juho Louhisalmi, Markus Somero, Jarkko Tissari, Gert Jakobi, Ralf Zimmermann, Antti Kilpeläinen, and Olli Sippula

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Field-deployable cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic instrument for aerosol light absorption measurement at three wavelengths
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Aerosol Research, 3, 113–124,,, 2025
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Multiple eco-regions contribute to the seasonal cycle of Antarctic aerosol size distributions
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Emission dynamics of reactive oxygen species and oxidative potential in particles from a gasoline car and wood stove
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Aerosol Research Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for AR
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Laboratory Studies | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Brown carbon (BrC) emissions were estimated, for residential wood combustion (RWC) from various northern European appliances, utilizing an extensive seven-wavelength aethalometer dataset and thermal–optical carbon analysis. The contribution of BrC370–950 to the absorption of visible light varied between 1 % and 21 %, and was linked with fuel moisture content and combustion efficiency. This study provides important information required for assessing the climate effects of RWC emissions.
Final-revised paper