Articles | Volume 23, issue 15
Research article
11 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2023

Direct observation for relative-humidity-dependent mixing states of submicron particles containing organic surfactants and inorganic salts

Chun Xiong, Binyu Kuang, Fei Zhang, Xiangyu Pei, Zhengning Xu, and Zhibin Wang

Data sets

In-situ observation for RH-dependent mixing states of submicron particles containing organic surfactants and inorganic salts C. Xiong, B. Y. Kuang, F. Zhang, X. Y. Pei, Z. N. Xu, and Z. B. Wang

Short summary
In hydration, an apparent water diffusion hindrance by an organic surfactant shell was confirmed, raising the inorganic deliquescence relative humidity (RH) to a nearly saturated condition. In dehydration, phase separations were observed for inorganic surfactant systems, showing a strong dependence on the organic molecular oxygen-to-carbon ratio. Our results could improve fundamental knowledge about aerosol mixing states and decrease uncertainty in model estimations of global radiative effects.
Final-revised paper