Articles | Volume 22, issue 7
Research article
07 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2022

Large-eddy-simulation study on turbulent particle deposition and its dependence on atmospheric-boundary-layer stability

Xin Yin, Cong Jiang, Yaping Shao, Ning Huang, and Jie Zhang

Data sets

Simulation results obtained in the LES study of dust deposition on the desert surface X. Yin, C. Jiang, Y. P. Shao, N. Huang, and J. Zhang

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Short summary
Through a series of numerical experiments using the large-eddy-simulation model, we have developed an improved particle deposition scheme that takes into account transient wind shear fluctuations. Statistical analysis of the simulation results shows that the shear stress can be well approximated by a Weibull distribution and that the new scheme provides more accurate predictions than the conventional scheme, particularly under weak wind conditions and strong convective atmospheric conditions.
Final-revised paper