Articles | Volume 22, issue 20
Research article
18 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 18 Oct 2022

Quantifying the importance of vehicle ammonia emissions in an urban area of northeastern USA utilizing nitrogen isotopes

Wendell W. Walters, Madeline Karod, Emma Willcocks, Bok H. Baek, Danielle E. Blum, and Meredith G. Hastings

Data sets

Data for "Quantifying the Importance of Vehicle Ammonia Emissions in an Urban Area of the Northeastern US Utilizing Nitrogen Isotopes" Wendell Walters

Short summary
Atmospheric ammonia and its products are a significant source of urban haze and nitrogen deposition. We have investigated the seasonal source contributions to a mid-sized city in the northeastern US megalopolis utilizing geospatial statistical analysis and novel isotopic constraints, which indicate that vehicle emissions were significant components of the urban-reduced nitrogen budget. Reducing vehicle ammonia emissions should be considered to improve ecosystems and human health.
Final-revised paper