the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Robust evidence for reversal of the trend in aerosol effective climate forcing
Johannes Quaas
Hailing Jia
Chris Smith
Anna Lea Albright
Wenche Aas
Nicolas Bellouin
Olivier Boucher
Marie Doutriaux-Boucher
Piers M. Forster
Daniel Grosvenor
Stuart Jenkins
Zbigniew Klimont
Norman G. Loeb
Xiaoyan Ma
Vaishali Naik
Fabien Paulot
Philip Stier
Martin Wild
Gunnar Myhre
Michael Schulz
- Final revised paper (published on 21 Sep 2022)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 26 Apr 2022)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on acp-2022-295', Michael Diamond, 30 May 2022
The authors lay out a series of trends in anthropogenic aerosol and precursor emissions, column aerosol burdens, aerosol-influenced cloud properties, and top-of-atmosphere radiation that together provide consistent evidence of a reversal in the aerosol radiative forcing trend from more negative values over the twentieth century to less negative (positive trend) over the twenty-first century. This is mainly driven by trends in North America, Europe, and eastern Asia (especially since ~2010) and is somewhat offset by trends in south Asia. The manuscript is a useful review of the trends and related literature and is particularly helpful in putting everything together in one place (e.g., Table 1 and the Supplemental Figure). I believe that some further reporting of the regional breakdowns and of absolute (in addition to relative) changes would strengthen the paper. I recommend prompt publication of a suitably revised manuscript. -MD
General comments
A. Relative versus absolute trends. I understand why the authors chose to report all trends (except for radiative fluxes) in relative, rather than absolute, units. Unfortunately, this choice would make it a bit difficult for someone not already familiar with the spatial pattern of aerosol burden to see the bigger picture. For instance, in Figure 2, one might think the global average trend is of opposite sign between MODIS and MISR just based on the maps shown, although if you were to take the global average, my impression is that both would show a decrease in AOD(f). Perhaps an additional supplemental figure, like the one already included but with absolute units, would be helpful?
B. Regional breakdown. Table 1 has a nice breakdown of the increasing versus decreasing areas, although I would be interested in seeing a finer regional breakdown (i.e., North America, Europe, east Asia, south Asia, all other). Waterfall plots showing the global change between 2000 and 2019 and the components related to each region for some key variables (e.g., AOD, CDNC, rsutcs) could be really nice, although even just another table or an expansion of Table 1 would suffice.
C. Global results. More generally, I think it would be worth reporting globally-averaged values for each variable of interest. It is clear that the authors believe the global trends are positive (decreasing magnitude of ERFaer; e.g., Figure 5). This is also clearly implied by the title. It seems clear that the decreasing aerosol regions dominate in the global average over the increasing region(s), so why not just show this directly?
Specific comments:
- Line 15: ERFari also includes semi-direct effects.
- Line 16: If you want a classic reference for ARI as well, I'd recommend Chýlek & Coakley (1974).
- Lines 22-25: As written, this would imply the world has only warmed ~0.5 K since the pre-industrial, when the true value is closer to 1 K. Instead of just citing CO2 perhaps it'd be better to cite the value for all well-mixed GHGs (sum of ~1.5 K), or state that the aerosol forcing essentially offsets the non-CO2 well-mixed GHG forcing.
- Lines 45-47: This sentence could be simplified or broken up. Also, isn't the claim global, not just regional?
- Line 117: Is significance tested using a t-test? Do you account for temporal autocorrelation?
- Lines 107-109: Could you provide some more discussion of the differences between the MISR and MODIS trends? Even some statistically significant pixels have opposite trend signs between (a) and (c). Are there differences in the retrievals and their relative strengths/weaknesses or in what conditions retrievals are possible that could help explain this?
- Lines 112-113: If you subset the MODIS and MISR trends to the same period as PMAp, do things look more consistent?
- Lines 129-130: Especially for LWP, bidirectional changes in response to Nd are now widely acknowledged, so I'm not really sure what the "expected" changes should be in this case.
- Lines 132-133: Similarly, different senses of change in macrophysical cloud properties are possible for different cloud regimes or under different meteorological conditions in the same regime (e.g., Zhang et al., 2022), so it really isn't clear that should be one "expected" change.
- Line 144: I was a bit surprised by the Gryspeerdt et al. 2016 reference here, as the main point of that paper in my reading is how misleading such correlation analyses can be without the proper statistical controls.
- Lines 158-164: How were model variants treated? Is only one used per model, or do you average all variants for each model, etc.?
- Lines 172-173: I'm confused about what the IPCC assessment is referring to here.
- Line 174: The emulator ensemble is not introduced.
- Figure 4: It might be worth having another figure (perhaps in the supplement) showing each model individually, and perhaps the radiation fields directly (rsutcs, rsut, rsut+rlut) instead of ERF, for a more apples-to-apples comparison with the CERES record.
- Figure 4: It also may be worth looking at variants versus ensemble average for models like NorESM with several variants to explore how much of the noisiness is due to internal variability.
- Figure 4 caption: The gray shading note is for the wrong figure.
- Figure 4: The labels for CERES (rsutcs, etc.) are clear to those familiar with climate modeling but aren't obvious otherwise. Please introduce the labels or use another descriptor.
- Line 221: More explanation of the Smith et al. (2021a) method would be helpful here, and below for Alright et al. (2021) as well.
- Line 222: What is the range quoted? I'm guessing 5-95% confidence?
- Figure 5: Please explain the colors on the x labels. I think I figured it out after staring at it for a bit, but it would be much easier on readers if the information were in the caption.
- Line 240: Zhou et al. (2021) would also be appropriate to reference here.
- Line 245: No strong trends in volcanic aerosol, or eruptions, etc.?
- Lines 245-248: Not only wildfires are relevant here but also agricultural burning, especially in Africa. Andela et al. show that burned area has actually been decreasing on average due to human activities, although there isn't a one-to-one correspondence between burned area and smoke emissions.
- Table 1: See general comment above, at minimum I would add an "all else" column. I also think it would be helpful to have some indication of how things look in absolute, not relative, units, as spatially averaging the percentage changes doesn't necessarily lead to meaningful values given the differences in the absolute amount of aerosol, etc., involved. For the reported values, are you averaging the percentage values from the maps in the figures in space, or taking the absolute values and calculating the percentage trend for the full region?
- Table 2: I believe this table is never introduced?
Andela, N., Morton, D., Giglio, L., Chen, Y., van der Werf, G. R., Kasibhatla, P. S., DeFries, R. S., Collatz, G. J., Hantsson, S., Kloster, S., Bachelet, D., Forrest, M., Lasslop, G., Li, F., Mangeon, S., Melton, J. R., Yue, C., and Randerson, J. T.: A human-driven decline in global burned area, Science, 356, 1356-1362, 2017.
Chýlek, P. and Coakley, J. A.: Aerosols and Climate, Science, 183, 75-77, 1974.
Zhang, J., Zhou, X., Goren, T., and Feingold, G.: Albedo susceptibility of northeastern Pacific stratocumulus: the role of covarying meteorological conditions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 861-880, 10.5194/acp-22-861-2022, 2022.
Zhou, X., Zhang, J., and Feingold, G.: On the Importance of Sea Surface Temperature for AerosolâInduced Brightening of Marine Clouds and Implications for Cloud Feedback in a Future Warmer Climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095896, 10.1029/2021gl095896, 2021.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Johannes Quaas, 25 Aug 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
RC2: 'Comment on acp-2022-295', Anonymous Referee #2, 09 Jun 2022
General comment:
This study discusses the evolution of aerosol effective radiative forcing (ERF) in the recent two decades, the period when high quality satellite measurements are available. The authors investigated different aspects of aerosol effects on climate, i.e. aerosol emission, aerosol burden, cloud property, and radiation budget, to assess linear trends of different quantities for these aspects based on both satellite observations and global models. The results show that the observed trends differ in sign on average between regions with negative and positive changes to clear-sky solar ERF in CMIP6 models. Overall, this is a nice overview of recent changes to variables relevant to aerosol effects on climate to identify significant trends for some of them, particularly cloud droplet number concentration and cloud fraction among others. I have relatively minor comments as specified below, and recommend the manuscript be published after the authors address them appropriately.
Specific comment:
Line 142-143: “In contrast, there are some hints at a change in cloud fraction consistent in pattern and sign with the trends in droplet concentration”: Is this derived from Fig.3? Can you provide more specific discussion regarding how cloud fraction trends shown in Fig.3c are interpreted in comparison to droplet concentration in Fig.3a? In general, cloud fraction trends are largely affected by natural meteorological variability, rather than aerosol perturbation, as the authors also pointed out, so it would be very important to demonstrate how aerosol-induced signals can be found in cloud fraction.
Line 182-183: “It is split into a strongly decreasing trend in reflected solar radiation and a declining trend in emitted terrestrial radiation (defined positive downwards, so the trend implies more emission to space)”: Is the second statement (for terrestrial radiation) in the parentheses correct? I was assuming that the emission to space is decreasing to accelerate global warming (I might be wrong), but if the authors statement is correct, are the two components (solar and terrestrial changes) compensating for each other? I’m a bit confused with the statement here, and would appreciate clarification.
Line 208-211: The CERES data shown in Fig. 4 is discussed only briefly in this short paragraph. Can you provide more detailed discussion on observed radiation trends shown in upper panels of Fig. 4 in more specific comparison to aerosol trends of Figs. 1 and 2 to support the statement of the last sentence?
Line 218-219: Can you briefly describe the method of Smith et al. (2021a) to constrain the aerosol ERF by considering the ocean heat uptake?
Table 2: Is this referred in the main text? If not, discussing these numbers comprehensively in Section 7 would be beneficial to convey the major message of this study. This table is a very nice summary of the ERFaer change.
Minor/Editorial point:
Line 172: year -> near (?)
Figure 2 caption, line 6: (c) -> (e)
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Johannes Quaas, 25 Aug 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Johannes Quaas, 25 Aug 2022
RC3: 'Comment on acp-2022-295', Anonymous Referee #3, 06 Jul 2022
This manuscript reports the trends of aerosol optical depth, cloud properties, and top-of-atmosphere radiative fluxes in last two decades (2000-2019), mostly from satellite retrievals, to assess the anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing trends. It also examines the consistency of the trends among AOD, clouds, and radiation. The paper concludes that the anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing has become globally less negative in this 20-year period, which is consistent with the declining trends of anthropogenic aerosol and precursor emission, aerosol burden, fine-mode aerosols, cloud droplet number concentrations, and TOA fluxes. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the reduction of anthropogenic aerosol leads to an acceleration of the forcing of climate change through both aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud interactions.
I find that the manuscript provides an extensive measurement-based information to assess the aerosol radiative forcing on climate, but there are several major issues in synthesize the information to draw the conclusions. Several major issues and specific comments are listed below, and they should be addressed and clarified before the manuscript can be accepted for publication.
Major Issues:
- Definition of ERF: It is not clear what the definition of aerosol ERF is – is it (a) aerosol radiative effects from anthropogenically emitted aerosols and their precursors? Or (b) the ERF from present-day aerosols minus preindustrial aerosols (e.g. 1750)? Or (c) just the radiative effects of total aerosol? Using modern satellite data implies (c), which is present-day total aerosol effects, but in the paper, it is often casually refer that as aerosol climate forcing or anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Clarification is needed.
- Causality: Even if the trends among aerosol, clouds, and radiative fluxes are “consistent” from satellite observations, it does not mean that the trends can be explained by the reduction of anthropogenic aerosols. These is no effort shown in the paper to separate causality with association. By showing the similarities among the variables is not enough to attribute the trends to the cause. CMIP6 or RFMIP models should be able to provide some insights.
- “Consistency” between trends in Fig. 1-4: Global map of trends shown in Figures 1-4 are informative, but more in-depth analysis is needed to not only better convey the consistency (or inconsistency) among the trends of AOD, clouds, and radiative fluxes but also different trends of those quantities in various regions. I would suggest show the 2000-2019 time series of each quality averaged over selected regions (e.g., major pollution source regions, continental outflow regions, and remote regions) to reveal how linear the trends are and if they are indeed consistent with the change of anthropogenic emissions.
- Significance of the trends: Areas with “substantial” positive and negative trends are defined as those where the clear sky ERF trends are larger than 0.05 W/m2/year from RFMIP multi-model ensemble mean. According to the caption of Table 1, regions with negative trends cover just 7.3% of the Earth’s surface and that with positive trends covers 1.1%. That implies no trends or weak trends over 91.6% of the Earth’s surface area. How do you explain the significance of global changes of these quantities if the substantial trends are only confined in ~8% of the area?
Specific comments:
Line 8: “consistent” with what? With anthropogenic aerosol trend?
Line 16: “ERFari occurs through the scattering and absorption of sunlight by aerosols”: This is the aerosol radiation interaction, which referred to as “RFari” according to IPCC AR5. The ERFari includes additional “semi-direct effects”. Please use the terminology more carefully.
Line 22-25: If +1.01C temperature change is due to CO2 and -0.51C due to aerosol, should the net temperature increase be 1.01 – 0.51 = +0.5C? Or, in other words, it would have reached +1.01C temperature increase without aerosol cooling.
Line 38: Do you see a turning point from the 20-year data record when aerosol forcing became substantially less negative? That is why plotting time series is very helpful, as I mentioned in “Major issues” #3, to see if the trends are linear or showing a turning point.
Line 58-59: “anthropogenic aerosol emissions over China have been increasing until ~2010 and decreasing thereafter”: That means the emission trend is not only non-linear but also has shifted directions during the past two decades. It will be interesting to see if AOD, clouds, and radiative flux shows similar or different decadal variations.
Line 68-69: CMIP6 used the CEDS_v2017 described in Hoesly et al. 2018, not the newest CEDS version (2021 version).
Line 74-75: Not very clear what you mean “mirror” here, which usually means opposite direction. Do you mean that OC and BC emissions have an increasing (decreasing) trend that mirrors the decreasing (increasing) trend of sulfur emission in the same region? In Figure 1, the regional trends of SO2, OC, and BC are similar in the same directions, though.
Line 107-108: Over most oceanic area, MODIS and MISR have opposite AOD trends, especially the fine- mode AOD. What is the implication for global aerosol forcing since ocean covers 70% of the surface area?
Line 111 and 112: Is it Metop-A or Metop-B you are using?
Line 114-115: GOME-2 shows different trends over most land regions. Can you be more specific about what the "expected behavior" is? How can the opposite trends in some regions be described as "consistent"?
Line 115, “These trends are largely consistent with those from AERONET data”: You have not shown any AERONET data here.
Line 131-133: Is CDNC less variable than cloudiness and cloud radiative properties? How large should the variability be to prohibit the detection of trend? Again, time series plots may better convey the story.
Line 147-151: There are clearly several regions that the directions or magnitudes of changes between aerosols and cloud properties are not in sync. Can you make more quantitative analysis of different regions, e.g., major pollution regions, immediate downwind regions, and more remote regions, and explain, to the degree you are able, the reason for the consistency or inconsistency between the changes of aerosols and clouds?
Figure 4: The terms in Figure 4 are confusing. For example, the caption of Fig 4a says “net broadband solar flux for clear-sky”, but the figure title indicates it is “rsutcs”, which is defined as “radiation shortwave upward TOA clear sky”, not “net”. Also it seems the quantities from RFMIP in Fig. 4d-f do not corresponding to the quantities from CERES in Fig. 4a-c: CERES data are the radiative fluxes whereas the RFMIP the effective radiative forcing (meaning either PD – PI, or anthropogenic aerosol only). Lastly, rsut + rlut is total (shortwave + longwave), not net. Please get the terms straight and clarify if you are compare the same or different quantities between CERES and RFMIP.
Figure 4 caption, third line from the bottom, the sentence started with “For the emissions…”. What is the context of emission here? Besides, there is no grey shading anywhere in all panels.
Line 172: Delete “year” in “year0.32 W m-2”.
Overall, this section is confusing. As I mentioned in “Major Issues” #1, it is not clear whether the discussion is about TOA upward flux, or net flux, or shortwave + longwave flux, or surface downward flux, or if preindustrial condition is considered in the model, or how the RF is defined - is it PD - PI? or is it by anthropogenic aerosol?
Line 239: delete “but also”.
Table 1 caption, 2nd line: Is CMIP6 or RFMIP models used in Fig. 4? Are they the same suite of models? Please be consistent.
Line 257-258: CEDS emission was not consider any aerosol satellite retrievals.
Line 269: Remove “aerosol” in “all three aerosol species”. SO2 is not aerosol, but an aerosol precursor gas.
Line 269-270: it is self-repeating that MODIS and MISR AOD increase or decrease at regions aerosols increase or decrease. AOD is a measure of aerosol. Maybe you mean at regions aerosol and precursor emission increase or decrease?
Line 272: What are the expectations? Are the expectations consistent with the aerosol trends or not and why?
Line 282-286: Again, it seems the terms you compare between CERES and CMIP6 (or RFMIP?) are not the same terms.
Figures 1-4: Since the color scales are not linear, it is hard to tell the data range covered by the color bars. Please add numbers for each color interval to help quantify the range.
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on RC3', Johannes Quaas, 25 Aug 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement: