Articles | Volume 21, issue 21
Research article
08 Nov 2021
Research article |  | 08 Nov 2021

Spatiotemporal variability in the oxidative potential of ambient fine particulate matter in the Midwestern United States

Haoran Yu, Joseph Varghese Puthussery, Yixiang Wang, and Vishal Verma


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Short summary
We assessed the oxidative potential (OP) of ambient PM2.5 collected from many sites in the US Midwest through multiple acellular endpoints. Compared to homogeneously distributed PM2.5, OP showed higher spatiotemporal variation. Poor correlations for the regression between mass and OP indicated a limited role of mass in determining the OP. Moreover, weak correlations among different OP endpoints justify the need for using multiple assays to determine oxidative levels of particles.
Final-revised paper