Articles | Volume 21, issue 19
Research article
13 Oct 2021
Research article |  | 13 Oct 2021

Characterization of ambient volatile organic compounds, source apportionment, and the ozone–NOx–VOC sensitivities in a heavily polluted megacity of central China: effect of sporting events and emission reductions

Shijie Yu, Fangcheng Su, Shasha Yin, Shenbo Wang, Ruixin Xu, Bing He, Xiangge Fan, Minghao Yuan, and Ruiqin Zhang


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Short summary
This study measured 106 VOC species using a GC-MS/FID. Meanwhile, the WRF-CMAQ model was used to investigate the nonlinearity of the O3 response to precursor reductions. This study highlights the effectiveness of stringent emission controls in relation to solvent utilization and coal combustion. However, unreasonable emission reduction may aggravate ozone pollution during control periods. It is suggested that emission-reduction ratios of the precursors (VOC : NOx) should be more than 2.
Final-revised paper