Articles | Volume 19, issue 13
Research article
11 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 11 Jul 2019

Measuring light absorption by freshly emitted organic aerosols: optical artifacts in traditional solvent-extraction-based methods

Nishit J. Shetty, Apoorva Pandey, Stephen Baker, Wei Min Hao, and Rajan K. Chakrabarty

Data sets

Data for "Measuring Light Absorption by Freshly Emitted Organic Aerosols: Optical Artifacts in Traditional Solvent Extraction-Based Methods" N. Shetty

Short summary
We investigated biases in particle-phase absorption coefficients for organic aerosol from bulk-phase absorbance measurements of solvent extracts in the visible spectrum. These biases were systematically studied as a function of organic-to-total carbon mass ratios and aerosol single scattering albedo. A linear correlation between SSA and OC / TC ratios was observed. Differences in the absorption Ångström exponents from bulk- and particle-phase measurements were also investigated.
Final-revised paper