Articles | Volume 19, issue 13
Research article
 | Highlight paper
10 Jul 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 10 Jul 2019

Atmospheric measurements of the terrestrial O2 : CO2 exchange ratio of a midlatitude forest

Mark O. Battle, J. William Munger, Margaret Conley, Eric Sofen, Rebecca Perry, Ryan Hart, Zane Davis, Jacob Scheckman, Jayme Woogerd, Karina Graeter, Samuel Seekins, Sasha David, and John Carpenter

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Preprint withdrawn
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Predictions of global warming require predictions of how much CO2 will be taken up by the oceans, how much by land plants, and how much will stay in the atmosphere. Measurements of atmospheric oxygen (O2) help with these predictions if we also know the ratio of O2 release to CO2 uptake in land plants. We have measured this ratio in a midlatitude forest and find a lower value than the one in wide use. If truly applicable, our results call for a modest adjustment in the global carbon budget.
Final-revised paper