Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
Research article
16 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 16 Apr 2019

Classification of Arctic multilayer clouds using radiosonde and radar data in Svalbard

Maiken Vassel, Luisa Ickes, Marion Maturilli, and Corinna Hoose

Data sets

RS92 GRUAN Data Product Version 2 (RS92-GDP.2) M. Sommer, R. Dirksen, and F. Immler

High resolution radiosonde measurements from station Ny-Ålesund (2017-04,05,06) M. Maturilli

Short summary
Multilayer clouds are coexisting clouds at different heights. We evaluate measurements and find that Arctic multilayer clouds occur in 29 % of the investigated days at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Multilayer clouds can interact by ice crystals falling from the upper cloud into the lower cloud. This is possible in 23 % of the investigated days, and in 9 % it is not possible. Weather models are still error-prone in the Arctic and we suggest that multilayer clouds should be included more in future work.
Final-revised paper