Articles | Volume 19, issue 6
Research article
21 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 21 Mar 2019

Potential impacts of cold frontal passage on air quality over the Yangtze River Delta, China

Hanqing Kang, Bin Zhu, Jinhui Gao, Yao He, Honglei Wang, Jifeng Su, Chen Pan, Tong Zhu, and Bu Yu


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Short summary
In this study, we found that a cold front can transport air pollutants from the polluted North China Plain to the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), thereby deteriorating air quality over the YRD. Before the cold frontal passage, a warm and polluted air mass over YRD climbed to the free troposphere (1.0–2.0 km) along the frontal surface. After the cold frontal passage, high pressure behind the frontal zone resulted in a synoptic subsidence that trapped PM2.5 in the surface.
Final-revised paper