Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
22 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 22 Jun 2017

Observations of bromine monoxide transport in the Arctic sustained on aerosol particles

Peter K. Peterson, Denis Pöhler, Holger Sihler, Johannes Zielcke, Stephan General, Udo Frieß, Ulrich Platt, William R. Simpson, Son V. Nghiem, Paul B. Shepson, Brian H. Stirm, Suresh Dhaniyala, Thomas Wagner, Dana R. Caulton, Jose D. Fuentes, and Kerri A. Pratt

Data sets

Implications of Arctic Sea Ice Reduction on Tropospheric Bromine, Ozone, and Mercury Chemical Processes, Transport, and Distribution S. V. Nghiem, U. Platt, P. B. Shepson, W. R. and Simpson

Studies of the Production of Molecular Halogens in Arctic Snowpacks and on Sea Ice Surfaces P. Shepson

Short summary
High-spatial-resolution aircraft measurements in the Arctic showed the sustained transport of reactive bromine in a lofted layer via heterogeneous reactions on aerosol particles. This process provides an explanation for free tropospheric reactive bromine and the significant spatial extent of satellite-observed bromine monoxide. The knowledge gained herein improves our understanding of the fate and transport of atmospheric pollutants in the Arctic.
Final-revised paper