Articles | Volume 25, issue 5
Research article
04 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 04 Mar 2025

The ZiCOS-M CO2 sensor network: measurement performance and CO2 variability across Zurich

Stuart K. Grange, Pascal Rubli, Andrea Fischer, Dominik Brunner, Christoph Hueglin, and Lukas Emmenegger

Data sets

Data for publication "The ZiCOS-M CO2 sensor network: measurement performance and CO2 variability across Zürich" Stuart K. Grange

Short summary
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a very important atmospheric pollutant, and to better understand the gas's source and sink dynamics, a mid-cost sensor network hosting 26 sites was deployed in and around Zurich, Switzerland. The sensor measurement performance was quantified, and natural and anthropogenic CO2 emission sources were explored with a focus on what drives high CO2 levels. The observations will be used further by others to validate what is thought to be known about CO2 emissions in the region.
Final-revised paper