Articles | Volume 25, issue 2
Research article
28 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 28 Jan 2025

Urban ozone formation and sensitivities to volatile chemical products, cooking emissions, and NOx upwind of and within two Los Angeles Basin cities

Chelsea E. Stockwell, Matthew M. Coggon, Rebecca H. Schwantes, Colin Harkins, Bert Verreyken, Congmeng Lyu, Qindan Zhu, Lu Xu, Jessica B. Gilman, Aaron Lamplugh, Jeff Peischl, Michael A. Robinson, Patrick R. Veres, Meng Li, Andrew W. Rollins, Kristen Zuraski, Sunil Baidar, Shang Liu, Toshihiro Kuwayama, Steven S. Brown, Brian C. McDonald, and Carsten Warneke

Data sets

NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory SUVNEx dataset for “Urban ozone formation and sensitivities to volatile chemical products, cooking emissions, and NOx upwind of and within two Los Angeles Basin cities” C. E. Stockwell et al.

Analysis code and WRF-Chem source code for “A better representation of volatile organic compound chemistry in WRF-Chem and its impact on ozone over Los Angeles” Q. Zhu et al.

FIVE-VCP-NEI17NRT emission inventory C. Harkins and B. C. McDonald

Short summary
In urban areas, emissions from everyday products like paints, cleaners, and personal care products, along with non-traditional sources such as cooking, are increasingly important and impact air quality. This study uses a box model to evaluate how these emissions impact ozone in the Los Angeles Basin and quantifies the impact of gaseous cooking emissions. Accurate representation of these and other anthropogenic sources in inventories is crucial for informing effective air quality policies.
Final-revised paper