Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Research article
30 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 30 Aug 2024

Estimation of ground-level NO2 and its spatiotemporal variations in China using GEMS measurements and a nested machine learning model

Naveed Ahmad, Changqing Lin, Alexis K. H. Lau, Jhoon Kim, Tianshu Zhang, Fangqun Yu, Chengcai Li, Ying Li, Jimmy C. H. Fung, and Xiang Qian Lao


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Short summary
This study developed a nested machine learning model to convert the GEMS NO2 column measurements into ground-level concentrations across China. The model directly incorporates the NO2 mixing height (NMH) into the methodological framework. The study underscores the importance of considering NMH when estimating ground-level NO2 from satellite column measurements and highlights the significant advantages of new-generation geostationary satellites in air quality monitoring.
Final-revised paper