Articles | Volume 24, issue 14
Research article
26 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 26 Jul 2024

Large contributions of soil emissions to the atmospheric nitrogen budget and their impacts on air quality and temperature rise in North China

Tong Sha, Siyu Yang, Qingcai Chen, Liangqing Li, Xiaoyan Ma, Yan-Lin Zhang, Zhaozhong Feng, K. Folkert Boersma, and Jun Wang


Interactive discussion

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-359', Anonymous Referee #1, 07 Apr 2024
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Tong Sha, 07 Jun 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-359', Fei Liu, 21 Apr 2024
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Tong Sha, 07 Jun 2024

Peer review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision | EF: Editorial file upload
AR by Tong Sha on behalf of the Authors (07 Jun 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Publish as is (12 Jun 2024) by Leiming Zhang
AR by Tong Sha on behalf of the Authors (14 Jun 2024)  Manuscript 
Short summary
Using an updated soil reactive nitrogen emission scheme in the Unified Inputs for Weather Research and Forecasting coupled with Chemistry (UI-WRF-Chem) model, we investigate the role of soil NO and HONO (Nr) emissions in air quality and temperature in North China. Contributions of soil Nr emissions to O3 and secondary pollutants are revealed, exceeding effects of soil NOx or HONO emission. Soil Nr emissions play an important role in mitigating O3 pollution and addressing climate change.
Final-revised paper