Articles | Volume 24, issue 1
Research article
18 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 18 Jan 2024

The high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019–2021

Roger Teoh, Zebediah Engberg, Marc Shapiro, Lynnette Dray, and Marc E. J. Stettler

Data sets

A high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019 - 2021: Low-resolution gridded outputs for 2019–2021 Roger Teoh, Zebediah Engberg, Marc Shapiro, Lynnette Dray, and Marc E. J. Stettler

A high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019–2021: Origin-destination statistics Roger Teoh, Zebediah Engberg, Marc Shapiro, Lynnette Dray, and Marc E. J. Stettler

The high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019–2021: High-resolution gridded outputs for 2019 (Full Year) Roger Teoh, Zebediah Engberg, Marc Shapiro, Lynnette Dray, and Marc E. J. Stettler

The high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019–2021: High-resolution gridded outputs for 2020–2021 (Bi-monthly) Roger Teoh, Zebediah Engberg, Marc Shapiro, Lynnette Dray, and Marc E. J. Stettler

Model code and software

Python library for modeling aviation climate impacts (v0.3947.14) Marc Shapiro, Zeb Engberg, Roger Teoh, Marc Stettler, and Tom Dean

Short summary
Emissions from aircraft contribute to climate change and degrade air quality. We describe an up-to-date 4D emissions inventory of global aviation from 2019 to 2021 based on actual flown trajectories. In 2019, 40.2 million flights collectively travelled 61 billion kilometres using 283 Tg of fuel. Long-haul flights were responsible for 43 % of CO2. The emissions inventory is made available for use in future studies to evaluate the negative externalities arising from global aviation.
Final-revised paper