Articles | Volume 24, issue 12
Technical note
18 Jun 2024
Technical note |  | 18 Jun 2024

Technical note: Determining chemical composition of atmospheric single particles by a standard-free mass calibration algorithm

Shao Shi, Jinghao Zhai, Xin Yang, Yechun Ruan, Yuanlong Huang, Xujian Chen, Antai Zhang, Jianhuai Ye, Guomao Zheng, Baohua Cai, Yaling Zeng, Yixiang Wang, Chunbo Xing, Yujie Zhang, Tzung-May Fu, Lei Zhu, Huizhong Shen, and Chen Wang

Model code and software

The SSSDA ver.1.0-alpha S. Shi et al.

Short summary
The determination of ions in the mass spectra of individual particles remains uncertain. We have developed a standard-free mass calibration algorithm applicable to more than 98 % of ambient particles. With our algorithm, ions with ~ 0.05 Th mass difference could be determined. Therefore, many more atmospheric species could be determined and involved in the source apportionment of aerosols, the study of chemical reaction mechanisms, and the analysis of single-particle mixing states.
Final-revised paper