Articles | Volume 23, issue 15
Research article
02 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2023

Estimating nitrogen and sulfur deposition across China during 2005 to 2020 based on multiple statistical models

Kaiyue Zhou, Wen Xu, Lin Zhang, Mingrui Ma, Xuejun Liu, and Yu Zhao

Data sets

Gridded deposition of N and S for China 2005–2020 Y. Zhao

Short summary
We developed a dataset of the long-term (2005–2020) variabilities of China’s nitrogen and sulfur deposition, with multiple statistical models that combine available observations and chemistry transport modeling. We demonstrated the strong impact of human activities and national pollution control actions on the spatiotemporal changes in deposition and indicated a relatively small benefit of emission abatement on deposition (and thereby ecological risk) for China compared to Europe and the USA.
Final-revised paper