Articles | Volume 23, issue 13
Research article
04 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2023

Formation of highly oxygenated organic molecules from the oxidation of limonene by OH radical: significant contribution of H-abstraction pathway

Hao Luo, Luc Vereecken, Hongru Shen, Sungah Kang, Iida Pullinen, Mattias Hallquist, Hendrik Fuchs, Andreas Wahner, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Thomas F. Mentel, and Defeng Zhao

Data sets

Replication Data for: Formation of highly oxygenated organic molecules from the oxidation of limonene by OH radical: significant contribution of H-abstraction pathway L. Vereecken

Short summary
Oxidation of limonene, an element emitted by trees and chemical products, by OH, a daytime oxidant, forms many highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs), including C10-20 compounds. HOMs play an important role in new particle formation and growth. HOM formation can be explained by the chemistry of peroxy radicals. We found that a minor branching ratio initial pathway plays an unexpected, significant role. Considering this pathway enables accurate simulations of HOMs and other concentrations.
Final-revised paper