Articles | Volume 23, issue 12
Measurement report
19 Jun 2023
Measurement report |  | 19 Jun 2023

Measurement report: Underestimated reactive organic gases from residential combustion – insights from a near-complete speciation

Yaqin Gao, Hongli Wang, Lingling Yuan, Shengao Jing, Bin Yuan, Guofeng Shen, Liang Zhu, Abigail Koss, Yingjie Li, Qian Wang, Dan Dan Huang, Shuhui Zhu, Shikang Tao, Shengrong Lou, and Cheng Huang

Data sets

Data for speciation of ROG emissions from residential combustion Hongli Wang

Short summary
A near-complete speciation of reactive organic gases from residential combustion was developed to get more insights into their atmospheric effects. Oxygenated species, higher hydrocarbons and nitrogen-containing species played larger roles in these emissions compared with common hydrocarbons. Based on the near-complete speciation, these emissions were largely underestimated, leading to more underestimation of their hydroxyl radical reactivity and secondary organic aerosol formation potential.
Final-revised paper