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Gravity-wave-induced cross-isentropic mixing: a DEEPWAVE case study
Hans-Christoph Lachnitt
Peter Hoor
Daniel Kunkel
Martina Bramberger
Andreas Dörnbrack
Stefan Müller
Philipp Reutter
Andreas Giez
Thorsten Kaluza
Markus Rapp
- Final revised paper (published on 10 Jan 2023)
- Preprint (discussion started on 06 Jul 2022)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on acp-2022-420', Anonymous Referee #1, 30 Aug 2022
Title:Gravity wave induced cross-isentropic mixing: A DEEPWAVE case studyAuthors:H-C Lachnitt, P Hoor, D Kunkel, M Bramberger, A Doernbrack, S Mueller, P Reutter, A Giez, T Kaluza, and M RappOverall Remarks:This paper presents a thorough and detailed analysis of a gravity wave induced atmospheric mixing event measured during the 2014 DEEPWAVE campaign in New Zealand. Through a combination of in-situ aircraft observations and ERA5 reanalysis data, the authors identify two distinct layers in the lower stratosphere with independent composition and isentropic characteristics. They then show how the N2O-to-potential temperature gradient weakens due to gravity wave activity, and they identify signs of turbulence and trace gas fluxes to diagnose mixing between these two layers induced by the gravity waves. This mixing mechanism is distinct from past gravity wave-induced mixing studies in that it is cross-isentropic/diabatic/irreversible and yields nonlocal consequences downstream of the orographic mixing source.Overall, this paper presents a clear and logical sequence of results and diagnostics supporting the main arguments of the text. I recommend that this paper be accepted for publication in ACP after addressing the minor revisions detailed below in two general comments on the use of terminology/writing structure and in line-by-line specific comments. The technical nature of the paper and use of complex, codependent sentence structures can make the arguments of the paper difficult to follow and less approachable to members of the larger gravity wave community. To enhance readability and make the paper more broadly accessible to general audiences, a few simple modifications to the writing style and sentence structure would be beneficial as detailed below. There are also several specific comments regarding how variables are discussed/plotted and the possibility of using additional data from the HIAPER aircraft, if available.General Comments:1. The use of overlapping terminology to describe related transport phenomena, while technically correct in all instances, makes certain aspects of this manuscript esoteric and difficult to approach for readers lacking a comprehensive background in atmospheric chemistry and tracer transport (example: phrases describing cross-isentropic/diabatic/irreversible circulation/transport/fluxes/mixing use pairs of these words somewhat interchangeably). The terminology in this manuscript also employs a number of related words with opposite meanings (example: a cross-isentropic process is not an isentropic process), which can confuse the reader when neither term is defined. When combined, these two terminology complexities make this paper less accessible for general audiences in the broader atmospheric community.I suggest two terminology approaches to improve the readability and accessibility of the text:a) Provide some basic definitions of terms when they are introduced to explain what they mean in the context of the other terminology used in the text (as an example, it is not explicitly stated until Page 13 that “cross-isentropic” and “diabatic” are used equivalently throughout the text because transport processes crossing lines of constant potential temperature, i.e. isentropes, are inherently diabatic). If the text states early on that cross-isentropic processes are both diabatic and irreversible, later descriptions in the text using “diabatic” and “reversible” can in many instances use the expression “cross-isentropic” since the reader will know this always refers to diabatic, irreversible processes. Though the text does define some terms like orographic gravity waves (Page 1 line 1) and passive tracers (Page 1 line 32), more definitions could be used throughout the text.b) For multi-word dynamical behaviors, try to use consistent wording and word order to avoid confusing the reader. As an example, three sets of similar expressions are used on page 2 that alter the wording/order of two expressions meaning the same thing:cross-isentropic mixing (line 8)non-isentropic transport (lines 14-15)vertical turbulent tracer flux (line 28)turbulent vertical tracer flux (lines 29-30, word order switched)Mountain wave induced tracer fluxes (line 29)gravity wave induced vertical cross-isentropic tracer transport (line 31)It may also be useful to employ acronyms for commonly used phrases to avoid having 8-word expressions for a physical concept like “gravity wave induced vertical cross-isentropic tracer transport”. This will make it easier for the reader group multiword dynamical descriptions and parse out the surrounding sentence structure.2. Many sentences start with a pronoun (this/that/they/those/these, etc.) or a broad, unspecific term (our hypothesis, our conclusions, etc.) referring to the content of a previous sentence or paragraph. Often, due to the complexity of the referenced sentences/paragraphs, it is not clear what content these expressions refer to, requiring the reader to often go back to the referenced sentence to identify which topic from the previous sentence matches the description in the next sentence. To add clarity to the text, please try to avoid this sentence structure and instead state explicitly the topic of each sentence and the content being referenced. This can be applied throughout the text, with several examples identified in the Specific Comments below.Specific Comments line-by-line:Page 11 please explain the term cross-isentropic when it is first introduced, clarifying how it refers to an irreversible diabatic process to avoid confusion when these terms are later used to describe this same phenomenon.5 remove the comma after “shows”8 Clarify the quantity of the referenced tracer gradient (I believe you refer to a cross-isentropic gradient of tracer concentration, but this isn’t specified)10 please define theta as potential temperature when the variable is first used18 comma after “N2O”22 clarify that these “irreversible diabatic” trace gas fluxes are cross-isentropic to be consistent with the terminology introduced in line 1 and used throughout.23 Define UTLS in its first use in the textPage 28,14-15,28-31 See General Comment 1 regarding consistent terminology and word order6 Define UTLS in abstract on page 1, in which case the definition is not needed here8 Change “They” to “Gravity Waves”. Due to complexity of general sentence structure, the manuscript will be clearer if sentences that start with a pronoun (it/this/that/these/those) referring to something from a previous sentence are changed to instead state the referenced topic from the previous sentence/paragraph explicitly.11 Change “Both” to “Both types of instabilities” for clarity - see previous comment.15 Comma after “barrier”15, 17, and 18 clarify the text to make it clear that “cross-isentropic mixing” (17) and “irreversible trace gas exchange” (18) are the required diabatic processes referred to in line 15.16 commas after “addition” and “occurrence”25 comma after “fold”25 remove “occurrence”Page 37 Remove “steps in here to”8 remove “will”9 remove “non-local”, as it is already clear from the text that the location downwind of the turbulent mixing region is non-local to the turbulence.9 change “downwind” to “downwind of”23 change “and covered” to “that covered”23-24 change “upper troposphere lower stratosphere” to UTLS24 change “providing” to “and provided” - 80 km altitudes are outside of the UTLS region.26 Was there a corresponding HIAPER flight for the Falcon flight for this case study on 12 July? Later statements in the text say the FALCON flight legs were too short to measure the longer gravity wave horizontal wavelength and that two aircraft flying at close altitudes are required to calculate the flux divergence. Many of the coordinated flights in DEEPWAVE using both aircraft had HIAPER flying higher/longer legs near to where the FALCON was flying. Was this the case on 12 July, and if so, could these statements in the text be addressed by looking at HIAPER data from corresponding legs? If there was no corresponding HIAPER flight, please clarify this in the text and also state explicitly that all observations used for this flight are from instruments on the FALCON (and not HIAPER) aircraft-this is never stated in the text.30 change “2015).” to “2015) onboard the DLR Falcon.” See previous comment.Page 41 change “CO” to “CO concentrations” to clarify what quantity this instrument measures for N2O and CO4 Define sigma in this context-I believe it is the standard deviation in this case.Section 2.3 - It is not always clear in your figures which data is from ECMWF and which data is from the aircraft - please distinguish your data sources in figures containing a mixture of model data and observational data.21 Is the “5% significance level” referenced in wavelet figure captions the same as the “95% confidence level” stated in the text? If so, please use consistent terminology or define the 5% significance level in the main body of the text.22 To be consistent with your use of American English spellings of words such as “color” rather than “colour”, use “analyze” in place of “analyse”Page 5Figure 1 is not utilized in the text and may be unnecessary. The flightpath is shown already in Figure 2, and arrows could be added to indicate flight direction in that figure. The text discussion of the tropopause height also does not refer to Figure 1 - it only references the red line in Figure 2b on Page 6, and the discussion of the “approaching upper level trough” references Gisinger et al (2017) rather than Figure 1. Please provide more direct references that utilize Figure 1 to justify its inclusion in the text.Page 6Figure 2 In panel b, consider adding gray shading of the flight sections that are later used for detailed analysis to make it easier to see which part of the ECMWF modeled wave response is sampled in the regions of interest in Figure 3.Figure 2 Caption: change “horizontal” to “ECMWF horizontal” to clarify the data sourceFigure 2 Caption: change both instances of “denotes” to “denote” - the subject (“lines”) is plural in both cases.8 There is no panel (e) in Figure 2 - please clarify this reference.13 change “South Island” to “the South Island”13 change “horizontal” to “ECMWF horizontal” to explicitly state the data source.Page 7Figure 3 Caption: Does analyzed PV come from ECMWF? If so, please state this explicitly in the caption.Figure 3 Caption: change “potential vorticity” to “potential vorticity (PV)” to link with figure labels.Figure 3 Caption: Clarify what quantity of N2O and CO is plotted. The units in the plot seem to indicate that these are concentrations, yet the text refers to the N2O line as the mixing ratio (line 10), making the quantity that is plotted in the figure ambiguous. See General Comments above regarding the use of consistent terminology.Page 82 $\theta$ should be defined as potential temperature much earlier in the text, not here.Figure 4: label the upper leg and lower leg panels on the right side of the plotsFigure 4 Caption: State in the caption that the data plotted from the upper leg and lower leg corresponds to the shaded regions of Figure 3.Figure 4 Caption: From the text (Page 7 Line 17) and the tropopause height in Figure 2, the upper leg is “just above the tropopause”, whereas the lower leg is farther from the tropopause and shouldn’t be labeled as “just below the tropopause”. If anything, the clarifying statement in the figure caption should indicate that the upper leg is just above the tropopause, as in the text. See General Comments above regarding the use of consistent wording.Page 93 remove “,which has a lifetime of 110 years in the lower stratosphere,” - this lifetime information is restated later in the text where it is relevant to the discussion, but it is not important to state this information a second time in this location.7 Consider replacing “such a breakdown of scales” with “such turbulence” to unambiguously refer to the “occurrence of turbulence” mentioned in the previous sentence. See General Comments above regarding the use of consistent wording.7 Maybe state more clearly in the text that you identify a kinematic flux of N2O by collocated, phase-shifted fluctuations of theta and w indicating a nonzero w’theta’that has corresponding fluctuations in N2O concentrations.11-13 Change word order to “The vertical turbulent kinetic energy was larger in the lower leg ($\overline{w’^2} = 0.70$ m$^2$ s$^{-2}$) than in the upper leg ($\overline{w’^2} = 0.53$ m$^2$ s$^{-2}$), where the overline denotes the average over the whole 200 km flight leg.” This will make the sentence less confusing.14 Does “this energy” refer to the energy in the lower leg or the energy in the upper leg? Please state explicitly which leg is referenced here. See General Comments above regarding unclear use of pronouns referring to previous sentences.Page 105 Was there a corresponding HIAPER flight with longer legs that could identify the longer gravity wave horizontal wavelengths? Clarify earlier in the text whether both aircraft were flying, and if there is corresponding HIAPER data, perhaps it is worth checking to see if the longer wavelength can be identified.10 Reference Table 1 values in the text where you mention the zonal momentum fluxes15 I believe that the vertical derivative is taken by comparing values from the two flight legs at different altitudes, right? Or is the estimate from ECMWF? Perhaps clarify how this value is estimated - it is confusing to say you take a vertical derivative from flight legs that only sample horizontally unless more information is provided.19 Clarify in the text that you are referring back to wind components that are plotted back in Figure 3 and/or Figure 4.Page 11Figure 6: The use of similar colors for different variables makes it more difficult to explain and distinguish which variables are plotted. It would be more effective to use different colors (instead of 3 shades of gray/black) and add a legend to the plot identifying each plotted variable color.Figure 6 Caption: It is unclear which datapoints are “colored data points” since all datapoints are colored. Does this sentence refer to all the datapoints in the figure or a specific subset?Page 124-5 replace “The orographic waves at the lower leg” with “N2O concentrations in the lower leg (black) to clarify that you’re referring to the N2O concentration in the plot5 replace “N2O-levels” with “concentration levels”9 what do you mean by “branches”? Perhaps clarify you are referring to the two separate regions on the plot which appear to have a constant N2O:CO ratio with distinct linear fits.11 “N2O mixing ratios”: Perhaps you should identify and show fits of these mixing ratios in the plot, as people from outside the field may not understand that you refer to regions of near-constant ratios between concentrations of N2O and CO as “mixing ratios” when the term is not defined or plotted explicitly. You could also clarify that “N2O mixing ratio” is the ratio between N2O and CO, otherwise it is unclear why you don’t refer to it is the “CO mixing ratio” or the “N2O:CO mixing ratio”.11 your “detailed analysis” is not shown - please provide more information on how these two temperature ranges were identified and what their physical significance (if any) is.13 What is a “compact relation”?14 Please explain how the “compact relations” are given above.17 comma after “context”20 change inbetween to “between”, here and elsewhere in the text21 Figure 7 does not show vertical winds, only potential temperature - please omit “vertical wind and” or refer to a previous figure that contains the vertical winds.28 change “vertically closely stacked levels” to “closely stacked vertical levels”29 change “can not” to “cannot”29 Clarify earlier in the text whether there was one or two aircraft flying on 12 July.30 change “km potential” to “km, the potential”31 change “levels” to “flight levels”Page 13Figure 7 Caption: fix the broken figure reference “Fig. ??”1 It should be stated much earlier in the text that cross-isentropic fluxes are diabatic.1 and onward: the text refers to species gradients as d(X)/d(theta), yet the plotted gradient in Figure 11 appears to be inverted as d(theta)/d(X). Because the text indicates that the tracer slope changes as a function of theta (instead of saying the theta slope changes as a function of the tracer), it would be much clearer to plot d(X)/d(theta) rather than d(theta)/d(X).7 Perhaps use the wording “cross-isentropic” somewhere in this description to refer back to the title and previously used terminology. See General Comments above regarding the use of consistent wording.8 perhaps say “above the tropopause” instead of “at the tropopause” since your measurements are not directly at the tropopause. Figure 8 only shows a diagram of this relationship above the tropopause, so using the same terminology in the text will make it clearer.9 Your “hypothesis” is difficult to parse from the text due to complex sentence structure - please modify lines 5-7 to more clearly indicate your prediction refers only to the cause of the observed changes to d(X)/d(theta) (gravity wave induced turbulent mixing). Otherwise your hypothesis could be misidentified as just saying that d(X)/d(theta) changes, which we know already from the data, vs your actual hypothesis of why d(X)/d(theta) changes.9-10 Change “at the tropopause” to “just above the tropopause” since the data you present in Figure 7 is “just above the tropopause” according to the figure caption.Page 14Figure 8: Since our discussion in the text refers to d(X)/d(theta), perhaps it would be better to have your diagram in Figure 8 be a diagram of d(X)/d(theta) vs. theta or altitude instead of making the reader infer changes to d(X)/d(theta) from a theta vs N2O plot. You could then compare this diagram with Figure 11 instead of with Figure 9.1 Change “This is schematically shown” to “A schematic of our hypothesized changes to d(X)/d(theta) is shown”. See General Comment above regarding unspecific use of pronouns at the beginning of sentences.9 The use of the word “steeper” is confusing in this case - due to the orientation of the axes in Figure 8, the downstream slope looks “steeper” to the eye than the upstream slope because the plot is oriented to show the dependent variable (theta) on the y axis rather than the x axis. To avoid confusion, it would be clearer to say the gradient d(X)/d(theta) is larger upstream. As suggested above, this would be easier to see visually if the diagram in Figure 8 shows d(X)/d(theta) vs theta or altitude rather than theta vs N2O.10 Though it follows from the text, it may be good to state explicitly that the vertical gradient decreases due to mixing, rather than just stating that the gradient is higher upstream than downstream.Page 15Figure 9: maybe zoom in on the region from 320 K - 340 K to make it easier to see the changing N2O vs theta relationship.4 change “corresponding to the hypothesis described above” to “consistent with our hypothesis that d(X)/d(theta) will be reduced in regions impacted by gravity wave induced mixing”. See General Comments above regarding the use of consistent wording.5 As stated above, please clarify what is meant by a “compact relationship”Page 167-8 remove “as given in detail further below”9 after “different scales”, add “using the formula”15 Perhaps it would be valuable to explain why the slope d(N2O)/d(theta) decreases due to mixing, as up to this point the only “explanation” is that the slope will change, not how it will change or why.Page 174 Why are wavelengths of 33 km and 4 km selected for Figure 10? Why not show averaging periods corresponding to the spectral peaks in Figure 5 that match the dominant orographic gravity wave frequencies you identified?Figure 11: use a clearer label for the y axis than “Slope” (i.e., d(theta)/d(N2O))Figure 11: As discussed earlier, why not plot d(X)/d(theta) instead of d(theta)/d(X)? This would make it easier to see that the magnitude of d(X)/d(theta) is larger upstream like you discussed on pages 13-14.Figure 11: Because your analysis is focused on spatial scales, please convert the x-axis label to spatial scales (i.e. km) to facilitate more intuitive comparisons with orographic wave scales identified in the text and in Figure 5. This will also make it easier to understand how these scales correspond to the wavelet coherence plotted in Figure 12 where scales are converted to km.Page 187-9 It is confusing to identify the slope behavior at “larger wavelengths” and then refer to these dynamics as “at small scales” in the next sentence, as the greatest downstream slope modulation from the upstream slope occurs for the largest averaging times in the figure (i.e., the largest spatial scales). Please use consistent terminology, as referring to the same scale range as both “larger” and “small” from one sentence to the next is needlessly confusing.Figure 12 Caption: please clarify what variable is plotted by the arrows and what it means for N2O and theta to be phase shifted by 180 degreesFigure 12 Caption: Is the 5% significance level the same as the 95% confidence level discussed earlier in the text? If so, please use the same terminology throughout. See General Comments above regarding the use of consistent wording.Last paragraph (lines not numbered):-Please clarify that this discussion corresponds to Figure 12.-Scales referenced in the text should be converted to km to be easier to identify in Figure 12 where you have converted the temporal scale sampling to km scales.-Please clarify what the “phase relation” is, how it is plotted in Figure 12, and what it means to have a phase relation that is constant at 180 degrees.Page 191 Because the phase relation is not explained, it is unclear what it means or how it relates to previous conclusions in the text. In addition, it is unclear which conclusion you are referring to by saying “the conclusion from the previous upwind slope analysis” - please state this conclusion explicitly and explain how it is confirmed by this analysis.3-14 Perhaps these lines of text can all be part of the same paragraph rather than having 3 paragraphs discussing the same thing in groups of 1-2 sentences.3 please express “time scales < 40 s” in units of km to make them identifiable in Figure 125 Please explain what feature in Figure 12 indicates a “defined phase transition” and how it is distinct from the rest of the plot (phase transitions are not described in terms of phase shift, which is the only explanation given for the meaning of the arrows in Figure 12)7 change “matches roughly” to “roughly matches”8 change “co-vary. The” to “co-vary: the” - you seem to be explaining what it means to co-vary in the next sentence, which is easier to understand if the sentences are combined.8 Is the “calculated slope” from Figure 11? If so, please state this as the text here is talking about Figure 12.10 What is this “new slope relation”? How is it visible in Figure 12? If you are referring back to Figure 11, please say so and quantify this “new slope relation” with a value from the appropriate plot.12-14 Please provide more detailed explanations in the text from lines 3-11, as I do not follow how this conclusion is supported by the analysis of Figure 12.Figure 13 Caption: change “colors denotes” to “colors denote”Page 201 is the “cross wavelet transformation” the part of Page 4 line 25 inside {} ? This is the first usage of the term “cross wavelet transformation” as it is not mentioned in section 2.4. See General Comments regarding consistent use of terminology.13 It is not explained why having a temporal resolution of 10 s precludes the analysis of ozone fluxes - please clarify.Section 4.3: Figure 14 and its associated discussion would be easier to understand in the context of the spatial scales plotted in Figures 12 and 13 if Figure 14 was discussed in terms of horizontal scales rather than in terms of temporal frequencies. These scales are included in Figure 14 - please modify the discussion here to include the wavelengths in Figure 14 instead of only referring to the frequencies in Hz.26 Remove the comma after “both”27 change “smaller 0.3 Hz” to “smaller than 0.3 Hz”29 remove the comma after “range”29 Please explicitly state the frequency range you are talking aboutPage 211 and 8: Starting these two paragraphs with “Further support for our hypothesis and our results come from the analysis of …” is unclear in both cases - Please state which aspect of your hypothesis is supported by the data in these introductory sentences.5 “v” should also be a subscript in EDR $_{u,v}$6 change “when also” to “where”6 change “was enhanced” to “was also enhanced”9 change “GTG (Graphical Turbulence Guidance)” to “Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG)”13 change “upper flight” to “upper flight leg”Page 234 change “activity the” to “activity at the”4 change “and propagating” to “that propagates”5 change “this observations” to “these observations”7 remove “occurrence”10 change “gravity wave occurrence” to “gravity waves”17 change “$\theta$ also strong” to “$\theta$, strong”17 change “were observed” to “were also observed”20 change “gradient above” to “gradient was observed above”21 comma after “inert”22 change “ridge showing reversible” to “ridge with reversible”23 Again, please clarify what is meant by the “compact slope”25 “The behaviour” - what behavior? Please be specific. (also note the spelling of behavior without a "u" if you prefer to use American English spelling practices)28-29 change “occurring potentially previously” to “that may have occurred”30 “The tracer conserves the effect” - what tracer, and what effect? Please be specific.30-31 Again, please define what a “compact relation” is.30-32 “At…Mahalo et al., 2011)” - divide this sentence into two sentences. You could do this in line 31 by changing “mountains modulating” to “mountains. The modified compact N2O-theta relation also modulates”32 change “similar as” to “similar to the mechanism”Page 242 change “to 0.5” to “to be 0.5”4 remove comma after “fact”5 remove comma after “shows”7-8 combine this sentence with the previous paragraph7 remove comma after “shows”9-16 Use caution introducing new citations in the conclusions - some of these explanations and citations may be better suited to the introduction. The conclusions of your paper should focus specifically on your results.10 replace “tropopause region and lower stratosphere” with “UTLS”11 change “and high degree” to “and a high degree”12 comma before “regions”12 remove “occurrence”13 change “this” to “gravity wave induced turbulence”15-16 The organization and meaning of the last sentence is unclear.Citation:
10.5194/acp-2022-420-RC1 -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Hans-Christoph Lachnitt, 04 Nov 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Hans-Christoph Lachnitt, 04 Nov 2022
RC2: 'Referee comment on acp-2022-420', Anonymous Referee #2, 30 Aug 2022
In this study, the authors investigate the effects of gravity wave breaking and the resulting turbulence on mixing around the tropopause. The study is based on a research flight over the Southern Alps during the DEEPWAVE measurement campaign. In-situ measurements of N2O and CO above and below the tropopause, upstream and downstream of the mountains, have been used to diagnose mixing, while gravity waves and turbulence were analysed in detail using temperature and wind measurement data. The authors report breaking gravity waves and air turbulence close to the tropopause, and a resulting alteration in tracer structure, which shows that significant mixing events have occurred in the affected atmospheric regions.
Overall, I believe the results presented in the manuscript are of a very high standard and clearly merit publication in ACP. The effects that gravity waves have on atmospheric composition and dynamics are still poorly understood, but of high relevance for quantifying tracer transport and large scale dynamics of the atmosphere. The main topic of the paper is therefore highly relevant and of considerable interest to the community. The methods and analysis in this work are generally solid and clearly presented, the analysis of cross-isentropic transport is especially detailed. The figures are well prepared. Presentation of results is also very clear in most parts, I would only suggest to make the mathematical notation more consistent in a few places and to clarify the identification of different flight segments discussed in the text (see minor/technical comments).
My two more substantial observations are given below, followed by a list of technical corrections and minor suggestions.
General points and related observations:
1) The UTLS region is known for sharp tracer gradients, both horizontal and vertical. The horizontal length scales of tracer filaments resulting from various stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) processes (like, for example, planetary wave breaking) can be much smaller than the dimensions of the flight pattern considered here. The structure of N2O distribution in UTLS, as described in this paper, is shaped by STE and can be affected by various STE events. Since the speed of the aircraft is much larger than that of the wind, the air masses sampled downstream of the mountains are most likely not the same air masses as sampled upstream (or are they at least partially the same?), and thus it is possible that these air masses already had different N2O-θ profiles even before crossing the mountains. It would be good if authors could comment on such a possibility, or argue why it would not significantly alter the tracer gradient analysis results. It was briefly mentioned that aircraft was not flying through tropopause folds, but air with altered tracer structure could have been advected from elsewhere. I realise that this problem may indeed be very hard to address using only data from airborne in-situ measurements, but there are other arguments that could be made. For example, model data showing no complex structures in the typical stratospheric or tropospheric tracers upstream of the mountains before the flight could strengthen the argumentation that leads to the main conclusions of the paper. N2O data would, of course, be best, but ozone and water vapour, which should be available from ECMWF IFS, could already tell a great deal about possible influence of earlier STE events on the observed air masses. Alternatively, dynamical histories of the sampled air parcels and their surroundings could be investigated. There are also a few interesting details in the manuscript that might make this point more relevant:
a) The mechanism for modification of N2O-θ relationship by cross-isentropic transport and mixing, as described in Figure 8, predicts that air above the mountains should include air masses that fall in between the compact upstream/downstream relationships (shaded region in Figure 8b). Therefore, in Figure 9, one would expect to see some black points (observations over the mountains) in between the compact relationships in blue and red (upstream and downstream data). However, the upstream data forms a compact relationship quite distinct from all the remaining higher-altitude flight leg data, especially in the 316-320 ppbv N2O range. Could this be a possible indication that some of the upstream air masses might have a different composition than over-the-mountain/downstream air masses had before being affected by GWs?
b) Section 4.3 and the conclusions state that certain features of the results "can be seen as the result of the turbulence occurring potentially previously on this level". If the results suggest that the composition of (at least some of) the observed air masses was significantly affected by the previous turbulence/mixing processes, would it not be natural to ask if all the observed air masses were affected equally?2) After a dynamical process, such as wave breaking, causes cross-isentropic transport and scale breakdown in the tracer structure, tracers are further (mostly isentropically) mixed by molecular diffusion (e.g. Balluch and Haynes, 1997). The N2O-θ relationship is a great tool for characterising the cross-isentropic transport, but it would also be interesting to see to what extent the air masses that were transported across isentropes are already mixed into surrounding air. Maybe analysing the different air parcel groups from Figure 9 in N2O-CO space could shed some light on that? Or was N2O-CO analysis inconclusive for these air masses?
a) Another interesting feature of Figure 9 is that although the downstream air masses occupy roughly the same range of potential temperatures as the upstream ones, they have a much narrower range of N2O concentrations (close to the mean N2O value) with no outlying points in the rest of the upstream N2O range. Could this potentially suggest that the turbulence over the mountains, which the downstream air masses have experienced for just a few hours, has already mixed the affected air masses quite efficiently, and further isentropic mixing (which would normally be slower) is less relevant here? Again, maybe N2O-CO relationship could be used to confirm this?
Minor and technical points:P 1, L 21: The phrase "conserves the effect" is confusing. It is not quite clear to me how an effect itself (as opposed to physical quantities or the results of the effect) can be conserved. This should perhaps be rephrased.
P 2, L 1: "Orographic gravity waves [...] may affect the large scale stratospheric circulation." Clearly, there is still a lot to be learned about orographic GW forcing and the effect they have on the general circulation, but is there really any doubt whether orographic GWs have an effect at all?
P7, L10: What exactly is meant by "analysed PV"?\
P8, Figure 4: The wave packet seen between 170.1° E and 170.6° E in the higher altitude leg has a very nice and regular vertical wind w and θ relationship (π / 2 phase shift), just as one would expect from linear wave theory. The same longitude range of the lower altitude leg, however, has an interesting θ structure that does not correspond that well to w. It might be interesting to see if ECMWF IFS predicts similar structures, as these may be related to wave breaking/reflection.
P9, L1: The word "where" should be replaced with "were".
P9, L2: Most literature (and the rest of this paper), provide amplitudes as positive numbers, "+/-" should therefore be omitted for consistency. Also, since fluctuations of potential temperature are mentioned, it would be good to provide their amplitude as well.
P9, L7: The phrase "[...] indicative for at least a kinematic breakdown [...]" should probably be replaced with "[...] indicative of at least a kinematic breakdown [...]". Also, the whole sentence is confusing, it is not quite clear what the word "but" in L8 refers to.
P10-P11: I may have missed something simple or misinterpreted the terms used, but the discussion of observed GWs in Section 3.3 appears to contain contradictory statements. For example, the terms "lower/upper flight leg" seem to refer to lower/higher altitude flight segments in most of the discussion on P10 and P11. Also, the long horizontal wavelength wave mode is stated to be "totally absent in the lower leg" (P10 L4), and "partly seen in VH in Fig. 3 around 17:45" (P10 L3). However, according to Fig. 3, the aircraft was flying at the lower of the two main altitude levels (i.e. flying the "lower leg"?) around 17:45 UTC. Perhaps in some cases "lower/upper leg" refers to lower/higher altitude, and in some cases to downstream/upstream? In any case, I feel that the terms used for flight segment identification should be updated in the entire Section 3.3, so that no guesswork is needed. For example, one might consider only using the term "flight leg" for a straight (geodesic) flight segments, and adopting other terms to refer to longer portions of the flight.
P11 L3: Dissipation is indeed a likely explanation for the change in vertical wave energy flux, but one must not forget that GWs are often reflected at the tropopause, which complicates the interpretation of energy fluxes in this region. In any case, the turbulence observations in this paper provide a stronger argument that wave energy is indeed dissipated in the altitude range considered here.
P11, caption of Figure 6: Duplication of the article "the".
P12 L14: Strictly speaking, there is nothing "between θ < 328.1 K and θ > 326.3 K", as the two intervals overlap. I would either write "layer between θ = 328.1 K and θ = 326.3 K" or, preferably, "a layer with 326.3 K < θ < 328.1 K".
P12 L15: I cannot see any green crosses in Fig. 6, perhaps this should refer to green squares?
P12 L5: The notation "∂N2O / ∂θ" as given in L4 is clear, concise and well-defined. Therefore, I cannot see any benefit of subsequently introducing so many different terms (N2O-gradient, N2O-θ gradient, N2O-θ slope, decrease of N2O with potential temperature θ, N2O decrease with respect to θ, ...) to refer to essentially the same thing.
P14 L10: Firstly, notation "θ′ N2O′ ratio" is a bit odd. "θ / N2O′ ratio" or "the ratio of θ′ and N2O′" would already be better. Secondly, as explained in Section 4.1, the ratio N2O′ / θ′ depends on integration time and is therefore mathematically not the same as "N2O-θ gradient". The fact that the measured gradients do not actually depend on the integration time too much (in a reasonable range of integration times) is a meaningful finding that supports the main claims of the paper. It is hence important not to confuse the readers by implying these two quantities are one and the same.
P18, L3: After inspection of Figure 7, it would seem that both θ and N2O concentration amplitudes given here are peak-to-peak values, actual amplitude values should be half that.
P18 L7: Same issue as P14 L10. I cannot see a good reason for using primed quantities here and unprimed quantities in L9.
P18, caption of Figure 12: Main text discusses various wave time scales, and not length scales. Therefore, the figure should have wave period labels.
P18 L14: Perhaps the authors meant "negative vertical N2O gradient"?
P20 L9: The phrase "periods ranging from 8-16 km" should be replaced with "wavelengths of 8-16 km"
P23 L30: Again, the expression "The tracer conserves the effect of [...]" should perhaps be rephrased.
Balluch, M. G., and Haynes, P. H. (1997), Quantification of lower stratospheric mixing processes using aircraft data, J. Geophys. Res., 102( D19), 23487– 23504, doi:10.1029/97JD00607.Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Hans-Christoph Lachnitt, 04 Nov 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Hans-Christoph Lachnitt, 04 Nov 2022
AC3: 'Additional clarifications', Hans-Christoph Lachnitt, 25 Nov 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
Peer review completion

