Articles | Volume 23, issue 18
Research article
26 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2023

Enrichment of calcium in sea spray aerosol: insights from bulk measurements and individual particle analysis during the R/V Xuelong cruise in the summertime in Ross Sea, Antarctica

Bojiang Su, Xinhui Bi, Zhou Zhang, Yue Liang, Congbo Song, Tao Wang, Yaohao Hu, Lei Li, Zhen Zhou, Jinpei Yan, Xinming Wang, and Guohua Zhang

Data sets

Enrichment of calcium in sea spray aerosol: Insights from bulk measurements and individual particle analysis during the R/V Xuelong cruise in the summertime Ross Sea, Antarctica Bojiang Su, Xinhui Bi, and Guohua Zhang

Short summary
During the R/V Xuelong cruise observation over the Ross Sea, Antarctica, the mass concentrations of water-soluble Ca2+ and the mass spectra of individual calcareous particles were measured. Our results indicated that lower temperature, lower wind speed, and the presence of sea ice may facilitate Ca2+ enrichment in sea spray aerosols and highlighted the potential contribution of organically complexed calcium to calcium enrichment, which is inaccurate based solely on water-soluble Ca2+ estimation.
Final-revised paper