Articles | Volume 22, issue 14
Research article
19 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 19 Jul 2022

Quantifying the effects of mixing state on aerosol optical properties

Yu Yao, Jeffrey H. Curtis, Joseph Ching, Zhonghua Zheng, and Nicole Riemer

Data sets

Data for: Quantifying the effects of mixing state on aerosol optical properties Yu Yao, Jeffrey Curtis, Joseph Ching, Zhonghua Zheng, and Nicole Riemer

Model code and software

PartMC: Particle-resolved Monte Carlo code for atmospheric aerosol simulation Nicole Riemer and Matthew West

Short summary
Investigating the impacts of aerosol mixing state on aerosol optical properties has a long history from both the modeling and experimental perspective. In this study, we used particle-resolved simulations as a benchmark to determine the error in optical properties when using simplified aerosol representations. We found that errors in single scattering albedo due to the internal mixture assumptions can have substantial effects on calculating aerosol direct radiative forcing.
Final-revised paper