Articles | Volume 22, issue 7
Research article
12 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 12 Apr 2022

Revising the definition of anthropogenic heat flux from buildings: role of human activities and building storage heat flux

Yiqing Liu, Zhiwen Luo, and Sue Grimmond

Data sets

Revising the definition of anthropogenic heat flux from buildings: role of human activities and building storage heat flux Yiqing Liu, Zhiwen Luo, and Sue Grimmond

Short summary
Anthropogenic heat emission from buildings is important for atmospheric modelling in cities. The current building anthropogenic heat flux is simplified by building energy consumption. Our research proposes a novel approach to determine ‘real’ building anthropogenic heat emission from the changes in energy balance fluxes between occupied and unoccupied buildings. We hope to provide new insights into future parameterisations of building anthropogenic heat flux in urban climate models.
Final-revised paper