Articles | Volume 22, issue 2
Research article
01 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 01 Feb 2022

Weakening of Antarctic stratospheric planetary wave activities in early austral spring since the early 2000s: a response to sea surface temperature trends

Yihang Hu, Wenshou Tian, Jiankai Zhang, Tao Wang, and Mian Xu


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Short summary
Antarctic stratospheric wave activities in September have been weakening significantly since the 2000s. Further analysis supports the finding that sea surface temperature (SST) trends over 20° N–70° S lead to the weakening of stratospheric wave activities, while the response of stratospheric wave activities to ozone recovery is weak. Thus, the SST trend should be taken into consideration when exploring the mechanism for the climate transition in the southern hemispheric stratosphere around 2000.
Final-revised paper