Articles | Volume 21, issue 6
Research article
23 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2021

Aerosol impacts on warm-cloud microphysics and drizzle in a moderately polluted environment

Ying-Chieh Chen, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Qilong Min, Sarah Lu, Pay-Liam Lin, Neng-Huei Lin, Kao-Shan Chung, and Everette Joseph

Data sets

MODIS Atmosphere L2 Aerosol Product R. Levy and C. Hsu

MODIS Atmosphere L2 Cloud Product (06_L2) S. Platnick, S. Ackerman, M. King, et al.

Short summary
In this study, we integrate satellite and surface observations to statistically quantify aerosol impacts on low-level warm-cloud microphysics and drizzle over northern Taiwan. Our result provides observational evidence for aerosol indirect effects. The frequency of drizzle is reduced under polluted conditions. For light-precipitation events (≤ 1 mm h-1), however, higher aerosol concentrations drive raindrops toward smaller sizes and thus increase the appearance of the drizzle drops.
Final-revised paper