Articles | Volume 21, issue 4
Research article
18 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 18 Feb 2021

Sensitivity of stratospheric water vapour to variability in tropical tropopause temperatures and large-scale transport

Jacob W. Smith, Peter H. Haynes, Amanda C. Maycock, Neal Butchart, and Andrew C. Bushell

Data sets

Lagrangian Dry Point data regarding the sensitivity of stratospheric water vapour to variability in tropical tropopause temperatures and large-scale transport Jacob Smith, Peter Haynes, Amanda Maycock

The ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF)

Short summary
This paper informs realistic simulation of stratospheric water vapour by clearly attributing each of the two key influences on water vapour entry to the stratosphere. Presenting modified trajectory models, the results of this paper show temperatures dominate on annual and inter-annual variations; however, transport has a significant effect in reducing the annual cycle maximum. Furthermore, sub-seasonal variations in temperature have an important overall influence.
Final-revised paper