Articles | Volume 21, issue 3
Research article
15 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2021

Insights into particulate matter pollution in the North China Plain during wintertime: local contribution or regional transport?

Jiarui Wu, Naifang Bei, Yuan Wang, Xia Li, Suixin Liu, Lang Liu, Ruonan Wang, Jiaoyang Yu, Tianhao Le, Min Zuo, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao, Xuexi Tie, and Guohui Li

Data sets

Air Quality Observation Real-time Release Platform of MEP Data Center China MEP

On-line Monitoring and Analysis Platform of China Air Quality China MEP (Ministry of Environmental Protection, China)

Short summary
A source-oriented version of the WRF-Chem model is developed to conduct source identification of wintertime PM2.5 in the North China Plain. Trans-boundary transport of air pollutants generally dominates the haze pollution in Beijing and Tianjin. The air quality in Hebei, Shandong, and Shanxi is generally controlled by local emissions. Primary aerosol species, such as EC and POA, are generally controlled by local emissions, while secondary aerosol shows evident regional characteristics.
Final-revised paper