Articles | Volume 21, issue 24
Research article
 | Highlight paper
21 Dec 2021
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 21 Dec 2021

Secondary ice production during the break-up of freezing water drops on impact with ice particles

Rachel L. James, Vaughan T. J. Phillips, and Paul J. Connolly

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Secondary ice production during the break-up of freezing water drops on impact with ice particles Rachel L. James, Vaughan T. J. Phillips and Paul J. Connolly

Short summary
Secondary ice production (SIP) plays an important role in ice formation within mixed-phase clouds. We present a laboratory investigation of a potentially new SIP mechanism involving the collisions of supercooled water drops with ice particles. At impact, the supercooled water drop fragments form smaller secondary drops. Approximately 30 % of the secondary drops formed during the retraction phase of the supercooled water drop impact freeze over a temperature range of −4 °C to −12 °C.
Final-revised paper