Articles | Volume 21, issue 15
Research article
13 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 13 Aug 2021

Gas–particle partitioning of polyol tracers at a suburban site in Nanjing, east China: increased partitioning to the particle phase

Chao Qin, Yafeng Gou, Yuhang Wang, Yuhao Mao, Hong Liao, Qin'geng Wang, and Mingjie Xie

Data sets

Replication Data for: Gas-particle partitioning of polyol tracers in the western Yangtze River Delta, China C. Qin, Y. Gou, Y. Wang, Y. Mao, H. Liao, Q. G. Wang, and M. Xie

Short summary
In this study, we found that the aqueous solution in aerosols is an important absorbing phase for gaseous polyols in the atmosphere, indicating that the dissolution in aerosol liquid water should not be ignored when investigating gas–particle partitioning of water-soluble organics. The exponential increase in effective partitioning coefficients of polyol tracers with sulfate ion concentrations could be attributed to organic–inorganic interactions in the particle phase.
Final-revised paper