Articles | Volume 21, issue 15
Research article
10 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 10 Aug 2021

The sporadic sodium layer: a possible tracer for the conjunction between the upper and lower atmospheres

Shican Qiu, Ning Wang, Willie Soon, Gaopeng Lu, Mingjiao Jia, Xingjin Wang, Xianghui Xue, Tao Li, and Xiankang Dou

Data sets

Hubei Province Earthquake Administration, Observation data of atmospheric electric field mill at Wuhan Geomagnetic Station, Wuhan, V1.0 Wuhan Geomagnetic Station

The sodium density in the MLT region of sodium temperature and wind lidar over Hefei, V1.0 University of Science and Technology of China

Short summary
Our results suggest that lightning strokes would probably influence the ionosphere and thus give rise to the occurrence of a sporadic sodium layer (NaS), with the overturning of the electric field playing an important role. Model simulation results show that the calculated first-order rate coefficient could explain the efficient recombination of Na+→Na in this NaS case study. A conjunction between the lower and upper atmospheres could be established by these inter-connected phenomena.
Final-revised paper