Articles | Volume 20, issue 16
Research article
19 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 19 Aug 2020

New evidence for atmospheric mercury transformations in the marine boundary layer from stable mercury isotopes

Ben Yu, Lin Yang, Linlin Wang, Hongwei Liu, Cailing Xiao, Yong Liang, Qian Liu, Yongguang Yin, Ligang Hu, Jianbo Shi, and Guibin Jiang


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Short summary
We found that Br atoms in the marine boundary layer are the most probable oxidizer that transform gaseous elemental mercury into gaseous oxidized mercury, according to the mercury isotopes in the total gaseous mercury. On the other hand, Br or Cl atoms are not the primary oxidizers that produced oxidized mercury on particles. This study showed that mercury isotopes can provide new evidence that help us to fully understand the transformations of atmospheric mercury.
Final-revised paper