Articles | Volume 20, issue 14
Research article
21 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 21 Jul 2020

Observing carbon dioxide emissions over China's cities and industrial areas with the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2

Bo Zheng, Frédéric Chevallier, Philippe Ciais, Grégoire Broquet, Yilong Wang, Jinghui Lian, and Yuanhong Zhao


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Short summary
The Paris Climate Agreement requires all parties to report CO2 emissions regularly. Given the self-reporting nature of this system, it is critical to evaluate the emission reports with independent observation systems. Here we present the direct observations of city CO2 plumes from space and the quantification of CO2 emissions from these observations over the largest emitter country China. The emissions from 46 hot-spot regions representing 13 % of China's total emissions can be well constrained.
Final-revised paper