Articles | Volume 20, issue 10
Research article
20 May 2020
Research article |  | 20 May 2020

Improving air quality forecasting with the assimilation of GOCI aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals during the KORUS-AQ period

Soyoung Ha, Zhiquan Liu, Wei Sun, Yonghee Lee, and Limseok Chang


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Short summary
This study examines the effect of aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieved from the Korean Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) sensors on surface PM2.5 forecasts using the online coupled WRF-Chem forecasting model and the GSI 3D-Var analysis system. During the KORUS-AQ campaign period, the assimilation of GOCI AOD retrieved at the 550 nm wavelength greatly improved air quality forecasting up to 24 h when assimilated with surface PM2.5 observations, particularly for heavy pollution events.
Final-revised paper