Articles | Volume 20, issue 9
Research article
08 May 2020
Research article |  | 08 May 2020

Characteristics of methanesulfonic acid, non-sea-salt sulfate and organic carbon aerosols over the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica

Jinyoung Jung, Sang-Bum Hong, Meilian Chen, Jin Hur, Liping Jiao, Youngju Lee, Keyhong Park, Doshik Hahm, Jung-Ok Choi, Eun Jin Yang, Jisoo Park, Tae-Wan Kim, and SangHoon Lee


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Short summary
Characteristics of atmospheric sulfur and organic carbon species in marine aerosols and the environmental factors influencing their distributions were investigated over the Southern Ocean and the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, during austral summer. The simultaneous measurements of chemical species in aerosols as well as the chemical and biological properties of seawater in the Amundsen Sea allowed for a better understanding of the effect of the ocean ecosystem on marine aerosols.
Final-revised paper