Articles | Volume 20, issue 4
Research article
19 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 19 Feb 2020

Dramatic increase in reactive volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from ships at berth after implementing the fuel switch policy in the Pearl River Delta Emission Control Area

Zhenfeng Wu, Yanli Zhang, Junjie He, Hongzhan Chen, Xueliang Huang, Yujun Wang, Xu Yu, Weiqiang Yang, Runqi Zhang, Ming Zhu, Sheng Li, Hua Fang, Zhou Zhang, and Xinming Wang


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Short summary
As ship emissions impact air quality in coastal areas, ships are required to switch their fuel from high-sulfur residual fuel oil to low-sulfur diesel or heavy oil in emission control areas (ECA). Our study reveals that while this policy did result in a large drop in ship emissions of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide, emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), however, became over 10 times larger and therefore risks ozone pollution control in harbor cities.
Final-revised paper