Articles | Volume 20, issue 18
Research article
29 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 29 Sep 2020

Modulation of springtime surface sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau on the interannual variability of East Asian dust cycle

Xiaoning Xie, Anmin Duan, Zhengguo Shi, Xinzhou Li, Hui Sun, Xiaodong Liu, Xugeng Cheng, Tianliang Zhao, Huizheng Che, and Yangang Liu


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Short summary
Observational and modeling results both show that the surface dust concentrations over the East Asian (EA) dust source region and over the northwestern Pacific (NP) in MAM are significantly positively correlated with TPSH. These atmospheric circulation anomalies induced by the increased TPSH result in increasing westerly winds over both EA and NP, which in turn increases dust emissions over the dust source and dust transport over these two regions, as well as the regional dust cycles.
Final-revised paper